Dogwalking + Farewell

Dec 08, 2009 23:07

Took Ichigo for his daily walk today to the reservoir and back and he poo-ed twice. -__-+ I had to pick up the dog dung and dump it in a dustbin. It wasn't the best job in the world. But then again, walking Ichigo is one of the best ways to relax and exercise at the same time. (Actually, exercise IS relaxing because you release endorphin when you work out.)

The reservoir has nice scenery, particularly at sunset when the clouds and sky change colours and blend into a wonderful pallete, which we got to witness today. I bet it's lovely during the sunrise as well but I'm too much of a Sloth to wake up so early to look at it. The rocks on the bank of the reservoir and the water itself have soothing effects too (although Ichigo was more interesting in sniffing the ground).

Sometimes there're people flying kites and walking their dogs there but today we practically had the whole place to ourselves because it was rather hot in the afternoon (too hot for a walk, I suppose). I reckon it's a nice place to have a picnic. :D (Ichigo reckons too, that greedy-guts.)

We've intensified his exercise regime and cut his tidbit indulgence because he happens to be 3 kg overweight. (We never expected him to be, because he was always thin no matter what he ate in the past, but I guess his growth spurt has stopped.) Ideally, he should lose 7 kg.

So, he has to walk all the way to the reservoir instead of simply grazing around in the field near my house. And eat less treats too. We've indulged Ichigo too much. (Practically the whole family gives him a "daily treat" every day. Ichigo knows how to endear himself to us and more importantly, is very polished in the art of looking starved.)

The vet also mentioned that Ichigo has got to be more socialized and see more of the world, so the reservoir is ideal because the people there are doing a variety of interesting things like kite-flying, fishing, etc. And since my niece just got a dog (name's Sheila) I expect Ichigo would have to expect their company more often. I don't think he minds children because they don't look threatening. 欺软怕硬, he is.


Setting off for Taiwan at 10.10 am precisely tomorrow. I wish I could bring along Yuuhi (if only she weren't so breakable) because I've located the Dollheart store in Gao Xiong and will most definitely be going doll-clothes-shopping. :D So excited!

Quoth Mum: "... As long as it's under 30 dollars, it's fine to buy".

Nice one, Mum. We hope you're joking.

travel, family and the pooch

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