random randomness

Mar 27, 2007 20:23

So, I've done it again. Somehow I always manage it, I think there must be some kind of worm-hole that I slip through every so often. Not only does time seem to go very fast sometimes, but I can never seem to remember what I did with it. I suppose it is like suffering from some kind of absence, the difference is that I'm fairly certain I haven't spent the last few weeks staring into space because I do have some memories of what I have been up to. Unfortunately my absence in cyberworld has rendered me, once again, very behind on friends LJ's. I'm not sure whether or not I should feel guilty in the sense that by not reading friends journals everyday is a bit like ignoring your friends when they are speaking to you. On the other hand perhaps I shouldn't feel guilty because LJ can also be likened to friends lives. Your friends lives go on whether you are present or not. It is only by communicating with friends (either in person or via long distance methods) that you begin to share some of their life . I don't visit my "real-time" friends everyday, so is it really necessary to visit online friends everyday (albeit via LJ)? I'm not sure how many people take it personally when their LJ friends don't read their journals everyday. What do you consider as LJ ettiquette?

My life has been chugging along happily. After many years of contemplation and finding the right picture, I have finally made the first steps to having a tatoo. On Friday I visited the tatoo parlour full of excitement. Ian was trying to scare me with discriptions of agonising pain and blood loss, but I wasn't to be frightened. Having given birth to 2 children, and having suffered the agonies of a compound fracture, I figured having a tatoo would be a piece of cake. I sat through a full hour of having my shoulder blade tatooed and by the end of it, I am disturbed to admit that I was all gooey eyed with pleasure. Not that I am a masochist, but I did find that having my shoulder blade tatooed was very similar to having my back scratched. I won't tell you what having my back scratched does for me. It's just as well that the tattooist was female. I go back in 2 weeks time to have my tattoo coloured. I can't wait. In the meantime my shoulder blade is itching like hell and I'm not allowed to scratch it for risk of ruining my tattoo.

On sunday A & E invited us to theirs for a BBQ. I wanted a bit of peace and quiet so I packed Ian and the kids off with the promise that I would join them in an hour. I finished making the cushion cover for the dog-cushion and chilled out for a bit before setting off. We didn't have Paddy this sunday and as most of the journey to A & E's house can be done without having the dogs on a lead I decided to take Gypsy and Kichi along with me. There were quite a few people at the BBQ so the dogs were well entertained with "stray" sausages and other tit bits. My daughter helped plant some herbs in A & E's garden while my son helped AD set up the BBQ. The dogs and the kids love social occassions because of all the attention they get. D brought her dog Holly over. My dogs and hers have never met before so we took the risk of introducing them on mutual territory. After a minor disagreement over who owned this patch of territory and a grumble over who owned the bit of abandoned bread Holly, Gyp and Kichi became amicable. I wouldn't trust Gypsy and Holly together on there own as I'm sure there would be some issue over dominance. Gypsy is generally good with other dogs. She'll stand down to older dogs especially if they are bigger than her, but she is used to younger dogs standing down to her regardless of how much bigger they are). She won't get that from Holly who is around 6 years younger than Gyp. Although Gypsy and Holly are about the same build and the same size, Holly is a Staffy cross. Where Gypsy is stocky from being overweight, Holly is stocky due to her breed! Gypsy is usally pretty good at sizing up other dogs and working out her chances. So far she has never been involved in a fight for dominance, but I think she is at risk of underestimating Holly. The thing I have learned from this experience is that Gypsy and Holly can never be left alone together should they find themselves at the same social gathering in the future.
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