It started last Tuesday with a visit to the pet shop to put in an order for the animal supplies. The shop was quite busy so my boyfriend and I decided to have a chat with the current inmates in the cages at the back. Budgies, a cockateil, a canary, a pair of lovebirds, two gorgeous black and white bunnies, a handful of Syrian hamsters, and a
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Alright, maybe they're not very exciting as such, but they ae cute in their own slimy way. My daughter's snail (Milly) has this habit of poking one eye out its shell like a periscope, has a quick look round, then quickly whips it back in again. Then the other eye comes out and does the same before it is quickly whipped back in again. Then the first eye comes out again, and then slowly the second eye, then eventually she begins to slowly draw her head out of her shell and has a good stretch before slowly dragging the rest of her body out of her shell. She reminds me of me first thing in a morning! My son's snail (Jumbo) isn't quite so methodical Jumbo is far more friendly of the two and doesn't take so much time about checking out the world before getting on with it (a bit like my boyfriend first thing in a morning). My snail (Brian) seems to spend its life sleeping, I rarely see it out and about. It seems that even snails have their own personailities! Brian is smaller that Milly and Jumbo, I didn't get him until a few weeks after I got the kids theirs, and I recall Jumbo and Milly being sleepy snails when they were Brian's size.
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