(no subject)

Jan 18, 2007 00:04

Well geez if this isn't the most god dammed overdue journal entry the world has ever seen! I could go off on so many tangents here about new years resolutions and politics and all kinds of crap. I REALLY wish i was more dedicated to writing - think of the reams of useless crap I could have been outputting. And now its 9:50 and I still have about 150 odd turns of kol to play, and a full day of packing tomorrow.

Packing I hear you ask? No no, I haven't decided to move to Paris like all those vicious tabloid newspapers were reporting. Vanessa and I are going up the coast for a week of sun and surf and whatnots. Seven whole days away from work and commitments of any sort. Totaly awesome. Crescent Heads and then Forster. I'll save the details reguarding our adventures up there for until I get back. Still so much to organise, but its will be great to get away. It's not as if I have a particularly stressful life, or that I do a great many unpleasent things that I want to get away from. But my life certainly is packed full of stuff. Lots of it. And, while its all good stuff, it is a lot of stuff, and too much stuff sometimes. You could say my life is pretty stuffed, but that would certainly be inaccurate. So it will be nice to have less stuff. I'll come
back de-stuffed. It will be great.

Stuff aside, I have been in a particularly spectacurlar mood the past few days. It probably had alot to do with an awesome weekend spent with Vanessa after more than a week apart, and then finally finding half an hour to go to the beach after work on Monday - the first oportunity I've had to go where it hasn't been a combination of too windy, too cold, or too dark. The beach was so good, I went there on Tuesday before Baccushammer. Oh, and then dropped into the Hamburger Haven for old times sake - although Barbera wasn't there.

Now, like the master public relations spokesperson watch me swiftly change topic into a detailed discussion of the Christmas break went.
Friday: Finished work for the year. Woo! Staff Christmas lunch, drank lots of KFC and ate lots of beer. Played Unreal Tournament. Then, home by about 1pm. There was a very irritating note left laying on table saying that a package (Josh's xmas present from internetland) had arrived and I needed to pick it up. So I dragged my weary arse down to Kotara, where it took me longer to find a park than it did to pick up what I needed. Once home I immediately remembered that I was on holidays and felt lots better again, so I decided to go for a run to the beach through Glenrock Lagoon. I think the water was about -8 degrees, and the wind was about +800 knots. Enough said.
Saturday: Deperately needed sleep-in achieved. Roleplay then out for Christmas dinner at Vanessa's house. This was the substitute dinner since Vanessa's brother James was going away over the actual day. There was much Pavlova - with which I am deeply in love with at the moment.
Sunday: Christmas Eve, lots of frantic cooking and cleaning and sneaking bits of chicken while mum not looking. Helped move tables in the rain. For some reason mucking about doing unexciting things in pouring rain is always fun. I think it is my inner child. Dad was forced to let me ride in the car without a seatbelt - a major victory for the Anarchism supporters within the family. Vanessa finished work about 8pm and came up to our place to watch the Carols and pig out on Christmas brand junk food. Christmas Eve snuggles.
Monday: Christmas Day! Thanks to my Vanessa-shield, I wasn't rudely dragged out of bed at 6am like usual. Instead allowed to lay in till 7am and then politely woken. Santa stockings are still used in our place (mostly due to me - because I'm a hippy and dislike needless wrapping paper). We all tucked in. Breakfast, then I dashed off to my auntie's place for Christmas Lunch with about 40 odd other family members. Met both my Cousins on Mum's side's significant others and they met my significant other (thats a complex sentence). Bon-bon jokes appalingly bad - as always. I saved them. I want to catalog the badness and see if there is some kind of trend. Day filled with stagering amounts of food and general Christmas Revelry. I still (at the
age of 24) have my spot at the "Kids" table. Vanessa and I parted with my family and then dashed down the coast to be with hers. I slightly smaller gathering - just the five present from Vanessa's family and Andrew's fionce Natalie. I was introduced to Guitar Hero - awesome game. Somehow managed to eat more. My driving done for the night I imbibed somewhat. Then Vanessa and I snuck off to watch Love Actually - pretty good movie for Christmas. Drifted off into content, alcohol-induced, sleepy haze.
Tuesday: Boxing day. Was spared Dad's boxing day joke ("Quick Jas, get the gloves out! haw haw") due to being in a different house. Helped Vanessa cook Rocky Road cheesecake and played with bikes and Guitar Hero. Vanessa was working in the afternoon, so I headed home for a massive BBQ dinner with the family from Dad's side, since apparently we were all hungry. Played with Tomous, Damon, and Kiara (my cousins' kids) and took buckets of photos of each. Talked politics and philosophy with Uncle David till late.
Wednesday: Dispite both of us being moderately worn out Vanessa and I go shopping. Buy an array of highly exciting cheap things. My cousin Lauren (the nerd cousin) comes up from Sydney to stay with us for a few days, and I take everyone out for dinner at the Azurie Club around the corner. We are the only people in the resturant - I think they weren't going to open if not for us. Food was awesome tho, not that any of us were hungry.
Thursday: The traditional family "[Nelson's] Bay Day", which has grown to include about 40 odd people from all kinds off strange places on the family tree now. This spectacular event includes a whole day of splashing around at Little Beach, prawns and bbq chicken from nearby stores, Cricket or Soccer or whatever is going at the park, Ice Cream at the end of the day at the nearby marina. Last year my pasty nerd skin lobsterfied by the end of the day, this year I escape with only mild tanning. Oh, bought a delightfuly daggy bucket hat and sunglasses from a generic touristy shop - which I needed for tomorrow.
Friday: Vanessa's Birthday. Up bright and early 6am. Quick breakfast then down to Sydney to visit Taronga Park Zoo - Vanessa's idea. Its only 90 cents on your birthday, so we get in cheap baby. Battle disgusting sydney traffic to get there about 10:30am. It was awesome tho, I took well over 300 photoes. We were both comming down with colds by this stage so we left a little early. Which was good, since we missed absolutely torrential rain by seconds. Went to Vanessa's house to have dinner with her family for Vanessa's Bday. Brillient day.
Saturday: Roleplay during the day and then dinner with Vanessa's friends for her birthday. We go out dancing at the Del to some fantatic band that just plays all the right daggy songs we love.
Sunday: New Year's Eve. Most of the family, including Vanessa, are dying of colds. I'm feeling awesome. Amye comes over for dinner so I have Tomous and Damon to play with. Lauren, Josh and I nerd it up with computer games and board games. Vanessa crashes about 8pm, and I'm kinda over going out now, so I decide to stay home instead of partying. Its a decision I have regretted ceaselessly all year :P. Still, it is an enjoyable New Year's eve.
Monday: Poor Vanessa is working at 10am, so its a horribly early start for her - especially when she is sick. I am not spared Dad's New Year joke ("Hey Jas, I haven't seen you all year!"). I spend the day catching up on computer games and nerding it up with Lauren and Josh. Baked Lunch with more family in celebration of the new year. I ate 6 baked potatoes. I got my arse handed to me twice in a game of Monopoly.
Tuesday: Work. Ho hum.

There you have it: Christmas in a enormous mutated 3-headed nutshell. Unfortunately, due to several interuptions and a disturbing amount of stuff I have left to do before I go to bed, this entry is all over for now. I want to run a Zombie Apocalypse Campaign using the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game "engine". Bye all!

Current Food: Lets see... I'm going to have to go with that Rocky Road cheesecake. The Pavlova was pretty nice, but damm I do love cheesecake (with statements like this, people would hardly be suprised my journal is called "chunkyy")
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