Emo powers of suck, activate!

Nov 07, 2005 21:09


I feel so bad now for clogging up my f-list with my bullshit entries.



In related news, teens suck.


We do.

Because, you know, we're all such unique and speshul individuals. Of course. Plus, we know so OMG MUCH BETTER than all the adults who have actual experience and aren't sheltered egotistical twats. Yeah, sure. And someday people will raise their children responsibly.

Quick -- someone call the OPPRESSION squad! Someone's told us to shut the hell up and sit down because we don't know what we're talking about! Oh NOES! We should go off and REBEL by slamming doors and listening to shitty music. Maybe even *gasp* telling our parents we hate them! Because, you know, they totally care.

OH NOES! Someone has criticized our writing! Well, they must just be JELUS, instead of being right. Teens should never, ever have their bullshit pointed out, because that would DAMAGE OUR SELF-ESTEEM OH NOES! We should also only ever mention our "positive" qualities, because doing anything else would show deep-seated psychological issues, and not actual honesty!

GAH. Can't I just be eighteen?

rant of the week, stupid crap, wankery

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