Ok no spoilers so don't worry. I went and saw a matinee today because, although I have never seen anything Star Trek(movies, TV) and just know some things because of it being pop culture(beam me up Scottie!!), I went because it looked like a good action movie and heard through reviews it was accessible to the general audience, not just hard core fans.
They were right. Such a good movie and I hope they make more--like maybe a Star Wras type trilogy with some sort of end point. I hate it when movie franchises just keep making movies to make them with no plan and they kinda meander into crapiness.
Chris Pine is a good Captain Kirk and Zach is awesome as Spock(kinda sexy in a way too! ha!). The whole cast I found jelled really well and of course the special effects were awesome. Heck even the villian I enjoyed. Even the science fictiony stuff didn't have me going "huhh?". I mean they did a really great job in that aspect. Usually movies too high in the science fictiony stuff have me completely lost and or bored--but this had a nice blend of that, comedy, action, and character development/relationships/emotional connection. Good job JJ. Great freakin job!
I did observe, as I have with Star Wars, that most intergalactic space ships really need better design. Because really? ALL of them seem to have massive drop offs where the crew can fall a billion feet to their deaths. Necessary?? Just sayin.
Ok I guess I spoiler cut this...
I really liked Spock/ Ulhura. I don't know if this is a huge deal--him having a love interest--because like I said I know zero about Star Trek, but I thought they had great chemistry and I wasn't expecting so much kissage! LOL at Kirk's face when he saw them kissing. Too funny! Oh and Winona Ryder cameo as Spock's mama? LOL. I liked how Spock kicked Kirk's ass. Somehow that was hot. Vulcan and human mud wrestling anyone? LOL.