(no subject)

Sep 12, 2013 19:35

Lisa Bobisa
August 26 at 1:54pm near Oakland ·
As I move towards closing down this chapter of my life as I knew it and shared minute portions it with you my facebook friends I want you to please know nothing I put on facebook is about you unless I implicitly tagged you. And I don't say that to be a jerk or edgy or anything; I say that to raise general awareness of the separation/isolation from each other facebook actually has even while appearing to have the opposite effect. It brings out the showboat in all of us and as an individual who has had access to online forums since modems were still connected to telephones connected to the land...I am an expert. So anything I say about online interrelation can be taken as expert opinion. The fact that I capitalized all my words, paid attention to my sentence structure or any other such detail oriented way to marginalize my thinking does not mean anything more than the fact that I was educated within a colonial educational system that teaches its students to seek approval for such minute things. ee cummings may not be a super hero but he was a super critical thinker. I also wanted to be clear that I do want to continue this discussion, both with those of you I know "IRL" now and in the future... and those of you I do not. As I examine how this transition really plays out you can likely anticipate more of this type of atypical facebook status update from me however as "writing more so everyone will stfu" is a large part of my new chapter in life, I feel I will eventually formalize and perhaps even capitalize off these abilities I have and do not always choose to use. I think I will likely set up a formal blog where I can perhaps help fund my journey to seek refuge with pema chodran and from life as a fat radical ally of any who ask queer femme ungendered switch verse hella hipster activist of awesomeness and it all in oakland to that quiet version of me who exists in the future in Nova Scotia and still scares the living daylights out of me. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BE QUIET YOU MEAN THIS IS NOT QUIET WHAT DID YOU SAY I COULD NOT HEAR YOU OVER MY OWN MIND shit is that a run on sentence up there what is ....


I need to get back to the planning board of the mind (and eat some lunch) that said, this prayer by Thich Nhat-Hanh involves you facebook. I need to figure out if this means I am becoming a buddhist because honestly as a lifelong agnostic who has recently become very aware she is deeply spiritual and always has been "picking a team" makes me uncomfortable and I need to figure this part out as my inner Montessorian is telling me is so And were there a way for me to tag each of you individually with less than 1000 keystrokes I promise you I would. In the meantime no matter your spiritual beliefs please let this prayer from someone who has done more for world peace than we can ever properly thank him for fill your day with more interconnectedness on a tangible level not just the current Candy Crush Saga level *wink wink* and perhaps a thought or two about why someone like me would choose to seek out refuse with someone like her in a world like this. I mean if you like and when you get a chance or whatever.

I love you all.

(And some more than others, yes... I am looking at you ♥)


At the foot of the Bodhi tree, beautifully seated, peaceful and smiling,
the living source of understanding and compassion, to the Buddha I go for refuge.
The path of mindful living, leading to healing, joy, and enlightenment,
the way of peace, to the Dhamma I go for refuge.
The loving and supportive community of practice, realizing harmony, awareness, and liberation,
to the Sangha I go for refuge.
I am aware that the Three Gems are within my heart, I vow to realize them.
I vow to practice mindful breathing and smiling, looking deeply into things.
I vow to understand living beings and their suffering, to cultivate compassion and loving kindness,
and to practice joy and equanimity.
I vow to offer joy to one person in the morning and to help relieve the grief of one person in the afternoon.
I vow to live simply and sanely, content with just a few possessions, and to keep my body healthy.
I vow to let go of all worry and anxiety in order to be light and free.
I am aware that I owe so much to my parents, teachers, friends and all beings.
I vow to be worthy of their trust, to practice wholeheartedly,
so that understanding and compassion will flower,
and I can help living beings be free from their suffering.
May the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha support my efforts.
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