stop thinking so god damned loud i can barely hear myself think k thx

Mar 21, 2013 04:23

there is so much i want to talk about and so little actual motivation to journal or write more these days as i revel in the actual growth and process rather than mire myself down in a scant obsession to record all the details. the urge is innate and not yet totally passed that said when i get like this and i start to write in my head the shit i say these days is fucking insightful and intense... i am even impressing myself these days and critical reading skills and judgmental yet insightful and conscice comprehensions are abilities i am currently an industry level setter in. ask someone.

that said, getting mered with shane was probably damn near the smartest fucking move of my life. i have far outdone myself this time in my selection process and ability to have dumb fucking luck in love because "my best self" would have done already overthought herself into fucking this up somehow.

i wonder how i can get elder_quakers to quit acting like a big fucking baby or a dickhead boy or mentally ill individual living near far too many other incompatibly mentally ill types to pay attention to me long enough to let me tell his dumb ass i want his sperm because he is the last cisgendered male on the planet who also fucked divadolly and anyone who was actually alive and FRIENDS or EVEN MET us knew that wonderful mama would be all up in this futurebaby superhero future and her legecy alone is part of WHY futurebaby has the (damn near already actualized) potential to be a motherfucking super hero. anyway i need to talk to you dylan. please thank you and um yeah anyway.

in other juicy thought of lj's past news, i should go check weev's journal since even though i have mixed feelings on weev and his antics, i actually care about all humans and hope that andrew gets something out of prison that teaches him as many next level lessons about life because the more actualized and improved fuckups coming out of fucked up institutions like the PIC the faster such fucked up insitions shall fall. mark my words.

that said just to really smite some of the respect for the less0ns you boys have taught me re: the www i am so going old skool and making this post public.

what. never forget your roots.

weird old bathroom products, real humans, sunny, revolution, rad friends, crazy faggots, chaos, wingnuts, drama, weed, re-entry, desert, dead friends, ween, weev, reentry

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