
Aug 23, 2007 17:49

OH. my gosh!
BOOGIE LOOKS SOOO WEIRD NEATO! It's really kinda disco-cool when ya look at it, definately won me over! I guess with such trendy commercials and swinging tunes its inevitable. :O CHECK IT OUUTTT.

It kinndaaa looks easy, but as does every Nintendo Wii game with game wand and stick. ; (  FUN, nonetheless! Boogie is a revolutionizing Kareoke/Bust a Groove game I've ever seen with a mildly customizable cast of ecclectic dancers!

'Boogie' says SEEEE-YAAAHHHH! <3

- P.S - 
Ooooh, Donatello........ <--
Michaelangelo: Who's trapped inside?
Leonardo: Lord Norinaga!
Donatello: Lord Norinaga?
[hits the bell with his Bo staff]
Donatello: Name rings a bell.

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