another 4 years?!

Nov 03, 2004 15:28

Ok, here is my little political rant and once it's done it's done. I just need to get this out there....

I would be ok with "W" if he would act like a human being and admit his mistake in entering Iraq and move forward in trying to fix it. But instead, in his acceptance speech I just watched 5 minutes ago, he said we would be "continuing the fight" so that future generations can live in peace. ROAR. I don't want to continue the damn fight. I don't want my friends fighting for something they don't belive they should be fighting for. During his entire campaign, Bush said that Kerry was giving soldiers the wrong impression by calling it "the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time." THEY F*ING KNOW THAT ALREADY. If Bush looked at his numbers, the majority of states (even the ones he took) show young people (18-30) voting for Kerry because we KNOW Kerry had the right idea about this war. We KNOW and are personally affected by the crap-ass decisions Bush has made with our friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, fiances.... Not to say that parents of soldiers don't understand, but for some reason I feel as if it is the young people who truly understand the effects of this unnecessary war. ROAR.

Rant #2: Ok, it really really really really really really REALLY!!!! pisses me off that in America today, 10 states (so far) have approved state constitutional amendments (at least) defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Some go farther and restrict marriage rights and its definitions even further. And unfortunately, this election turned out to be based more on "moral" issues- meaning that Kerry's reluctance to take a clear stand on same-sex marriage cost him the election. That APPALLS me. Why are some allowed to place restrictions on others based on sexual orientation??? I thought we had laws against sexual discrimination in this country. Actually, the 14th Amendment and its suspect classes ensure the rights of those of various sexual identities. And yet it is still somehow constitutional to allow states to ban same-sex marriage. It makes me sick. We are taking HUGE steps backwards and teaching our children and future generations that it is ok to discriminate against homosexuals solely because of being homosexual. I can't understand why that is ok. The only way that seems even slightly plausible is if being gay was truly a choice and we were looking to discourage it. What conservatives fail to understand or accept is that being gay is no more of a choice (for most) than it is to be born with blue eyes or to be 5'2. WOW. I just can't believe we are tolerating such blatant intolerance. It truly makes me sick.

Rant #3: The economy. Bush has done NOTHING for the economy, no matter what he says. In August, the best month of growth under Bush so far, there were 144,000 jobs created. This, to some, seems awesome, right? Wrong. 150,000 were needed just to break even with population growth. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the jobs that are being created pay approximately 25% less than jobs that were lost or outsourced (moved to other countries as a "stimulus" for job production), and are less likely to provide health care. Median household income has dropped 2% every year since Bush has taken office. Financial neediness has increased 10% since 2001, and now 1 in 8 American families are below the poverty line. What kind of leadership is this?!

I don't know guys. It really worries me to know that 51%, a record high number, of the popular vote went to this man because of moral issues. It hurts my head, my heart and my stomach to know that people would rather restrict the practices of those whose sexual identity isn't the "norm" than to bring home the people who are fighting to protect their right to care about such petty issues. And another thing that scares me is that Bush will most likely be appointing the next Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, especially if Rehnquist's cancer is as bad as suspected. That leaves little comfort in knowing Bush himself will be out in 4 years, since whomever he appoints to the SC will most likely share the same assenine views as he does, making declaring restrictions on gay marriage as unconstitutional virtually impossible.

What have we done to ourselves? =-/
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