Aug 22, 2004 11:54
So it's Sunday. Weeee. I'm losing track of days now, seeing as I don't work anymore. It's weird. I need the routine of work or school. But.... augh. I'm not ready for Oswego. I talked to Ruth on Wednesday and she said she doesn't need me back early anymore so I'm not going until Saturday. Which is good. I need those couple extra days with my girls. Kathy and I plan on doing something every day this week- to enjoy our last week of relative freedom before the insanity of this semester starts. A trip to Seabreeze is planned, and Stacy's having a bonfire Thursday night which will be a great night of debauchery. Lol. If history repeats itself, we'll all be asleep before midnight, after consuming only 1-2 drinks apiece. Hahaha. We're so sad.
Soooo... ah yes. Thursday night we went and said goodbye to the *other* Marine Kevin. Ha. Kathy and I got to his house at 730 but he didn't show up till a little after 9. We went and got ice cream between then. It was good. Then we just sat around and talked. Nothing too exciting. Kathy left around 1030. Kyle Gurnett came for awhile and that was exciting because I only get to see that kid like once a year. Then Stacy and Ashley Tveit came which was good. I hadn't seen Ashley since graduation and that was nice. We all sat around some more and chatted some more. Again, nothing too exciting. Although I did stay until a little after 2. It was hard to say goodbye to that boy... mostly because he whines so much about leaving. Haha. No, I do miss him. We've had some good times together. So if he does come home again before he's deported I will hopefully see him then.
Let's see. Friday I slept a lot because I got home after 230 and my body is not used to being awake at such crazy hours. Then I went out to dinner with the parentals, and then met Stacy at Tinseltown and we saw Without a Paddle which was pretty good. Not as funny as I'd hoped but still pretty good. Seth Greene was the highlight of it for me, he really is so little and funny. Fun times.
And yesterday... I packed up some more stuff, how exciting. Then Kathy and I finally got to go bowling!! Weeee! We went to Brockport and it was so pathetic, we were like the only people there who didn't work there. Ha. We bowled two of the most defective games of bowling ever- the pin setter upper thing was broken so they moved us to a new lane 2 frames before we were done with the second game. Haha. Then we went and watched Finding Nemo until she was falling asleep. So weee that was my Saturday.
Today so far was church, where I said goodbye to Noah and the Mesitis. I can't believe that in a week from now I'm going to be in Oswego. Crap. I still have a lot to do. So hopefully I make it out of this summer with some energy for the semester... and hopefully everything this semester doesn't go as badly as I'm anticipating. Ah well. We shall see... soon. =-x