Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
I got these words from
chumducky - my long time nickname, which has two personal meanings. The primary meaning is that a chumducky is an old New England slang term for "seagull" - for a more fullsome explanation see my LJ profile - and I'm very much the old gull now. The secondary meaning was that as a child, a duckling imprinted on me and followed me around like I was its Mama, soooo "chum" (as in friend) plus "duck" (as in waterfowl) equals "chumducky". I cannot honestly tell you which reason for the nickname came first, but it has stuck with me. You can just call me "ducky".
writing - Origamigryphon was the first auther of "In the Final Sense", a Keroro Gunso fan fiction which I helped write for the last three years. I was once a very skilled writer. Lately, and for the past few decades, both my vocabulary and my creative skills have beakdived. I cannot even read stuff I wrote 3 years ago when ItFS started. That writing is so much better than what I now produce. Gryphy on the other hand, has very much improved. I was blessed to have been invited to collaborate with her: she has been both a fine author and a good friend.
bunnies - This is a tough one. I'm reminded of so many things... my collection of stuffies, a few of which are hares, a few of which Gryphy gave me... the origami rabbit that Gryphy folded for me... my fiancee and love whose nickname was Carrot or Lizard before I rechristened her Bunni.
snakes - ah, my reality serpents now down to the singular. When Gryphy visited a year ago she held Shiva-ra - my Royal Python - and let the snake twine about her. Shiva died earlier this month. Now I have only Q-tip - a sand boa - with an attitude exceeding his 20".
"Tom Hanks" - Now this one goes back to my late teens, when a GF of a neighbor noticed that I bore a striking resemblance to the actor Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks also happens to be my fiancee's favorite actor. Once, long before we met face to face, she asked me to describe myself? I explained, "I have Tom Hanks' face and a young Jack Nicholson's hairline." She found two similarly angled pictures of Tom and Jack and hand blended the two together. The result was shockingly accurate. I've gained mass and lost more hair since then and the resemblance is not so marked as once it was, but if you squint really hard and wear a pair of Kururu's trademark swirly lenses; you might still see Tom's features in mine, especially when I smile.