25th - whew. what a day. =) waking up around 1ish. roaming around in my pjs. getting dressed for church. listen to the choir. watch the little toddlers sing. so adorable. exchanging gifts. thank you everyone who gave me a gift/card. I love them all. ^_^ go home and get ready for the Christmas party. family friends, DDR, speed scrabble, lots of yummy food, and making pumpkin pie with cool whip cuz we forgot to buy the real cream. xD and it actually came out pretty good. then after the Christmas party was over-left to Ozzie’s mmmm. watching the boys play video games and playing slate was good. [I guess that made up for not going snowboarding. -___- but I am still determined to go! =p ]
26th - meep meep. woke up at 4 heh. John was already over watching movies with guh. spent the rest of the day trudging around in my pjs, playing slate, playing gb, eating fudge!
27th - whoa I got my braces off! ^_^ it feels so weird and I look so different. xD