I took a leaf out of Bobby's page and am running with the green stuff.
God help the plants though, I could probably kill frikkin weeds with my brown thumb.
First, I raided a construction site garbage rig and "acquired" a bunch of wood and whatnot to build a small raised garden bed of about 4x12 feet. And a big 4x4 post, I need to go back for another one and a partial to make my tomatoes hanging garden set. ^_^
Next, I went and bought a slew of little peat pot disks to set my sproutlings up in the small grow area in my closet. No, not *that* kinda grow area, although the idea intrigues me with the amount only 2-4 plants could bring in. :p
The grow area is where I grow cat grass and catnip for the kitties and gives them a sunning spot through the winter when they aren't allowed outside.
The tomatoes are the first to sprout up, and surprisingly it was the Sweeties with their tiny seeds that popped up first. The bigger Rutgers tomatoes are having a slightly harder time of it maybe? Or I'm just impatient.
The potato plants outside need absolutely no assistance other than water. heh
So I'm hoping 24 hours of sunlight will get my sprouties on their road to the big box outside, and not as mulch. That reminds me, I gotta get about 45 cubic feet of manure and soil now.
Outside raised bed.
Grow tray with tomato seedlings!
You have no idea how often these guys are almost eaten each day. :(
So far, the list of veggies I've got growing/sprouting is:
Rutgers tomatos, Sweetie cherry tomatos, pumpkins, brussell sprouts, Chantenay red cored carrots, french shallots, garlic, russet potatos, basil, thyme, oregano, tabasco peppers, spinach and finally arugala.
There's a ton of ugly containers spread around my porch with hardening sproutlings in them. :)