
Mar 11, 2015 01:49

So, today, I found out, finally, after days of pointless suffering that I didn't pass my exam, of course, there are many other things that are much worse than this, but it still hurts!!

Anyway, this is a subject that I'm not able to even attend so I was 'libre', meaning, I was presenting the test which was harder and I felt pretty much stupid most of the time! It's so sad!

But above all, I think I kind of knew this could be the possible some way, it was expected, but it still hurts, I know I'm a crying neko, yes, I totally am.

However, today, despite the whole painful distress of having failed, I want to write a review, yes I know so weird, so nostalgic, and you'll have to excuse this English, 'cause it's my freaking broke and failed English!! Anyway no one would be reading, let's move on

About Pikanchi!

After finding out the meaning of Pikanchi after a lot of time because of my t-list, I think it's like all big and old stuff; it's not just about the meaning. I was like, ah ok, that makes sense, but... Pikanchi is more than that... Pikanchi means so much more. And that meaning is something that the story itself has given and something us, spectators have cherished throughout these many years.


I honestly don't remember my first impressions on this story other than this is so weird!! But something got me through this, despite my lack of knowledge of the culture, the boy band and most of all the fact that despite all of that this is still weird!
Some people have called this an indie sort of movie, maybe because of its style and format, the crazy overused of frames snapshots that make you doubt of your device; or maybe is it because of the share of crackness in its antiheroes. It's not the expected story to introduce a Jpop boyband or the expected movie that a successful western band would produce in order to mount the wave of success a little longer. And that, I think, is the best part.
I love it, that in the middle of it, you can't help it wonder, what the heck I'm watching?? *Well, yes, I don't curse :P*

The story was originated by Yoshihiko Inohara from V6, sasuga senpai! *he was really truly inspired or really crazy by then*, I'm sure he wasn't at all conscious of what he originated. Anyway, this is a simple, plain and ironic portrayal of reality in the eyes of 5 adolescents, or that was how this all started. BTW, it's a must to watch the first two, otherwise, it's pointless to even watch this, because why to lose so much history?




Where was I? Yes, the guys, their background and situation are introduced to us in the first movie. Which I rewatched and couldn't believe I didn't enjoy it so much the first time, there were a couple of moments, especially the first ones, in which I was trying to process what was coming through my eyes; when they visit Harajuku, that's priceless.

So, I have a confession, at that moment, the first time I watched this, I was watching this because of Matsumoto Jun, now, imagine this situation in which I have only met Jun as Domyoji and other cool characters, and then bang! Bon appears! It was such a shock! Anyway, but that was no the confession, after knowing really what Pikanchi means, and I'm not merely meaning what it stands for, my ultimate favorite is Chu! come on, this guy used to break bricks with the head! and the scar, I love everything from Chu before his twenties. And those scenes are pure gold.

Well, I'm struggle here, to make senses, so this is a story about five friends, friends out of circumstances of life, labeled high school. And in this sequel, we get to see what has happened to the boys, now in their 30's turned into men. And who doesn't want to see a framed flashback about our weird characters?

After 10 years

So, the question is, do they still have it? the touch, the magic, the weird element?
Even themselves had admitted that they almost didn't remember how to perform their characters, and more they had only 39 days to film the movie. So, it was like that, exactly like that, a reunion, when you encounter an acquaintance that you haven't seen in years, the person has the same essence and yet has changed during the years.

It was that, exactly that, the delight of seeing again someone you haven't seen in years, and finding things, clues, ways of behavior old habits, predictable and unpredictable ways.

Let's go through them very quickly, just a few remarks. First, Haru, he is so much the same! so predictable, so sweet, the guy with the worst luck in Tokyo apartment complex. Haru looks exactly as we would imagine he would, plus I love so much part of his story and how is so cute in trying to unite them as a group! Ohno indeed made us forget about himself and see nothing but sweet weird unlucky Haru.

Takuma, yes I always have a thing about Takuma, he is cool and you don't get to know what he's thinking until he says it. Yes, a character that makes me feel I would feel envy if he were my friend, maybe. Anyway, he made me feel the exact same feeling, so, with weirdo hair and more weirdo outfit *is that even possible?*, Takuma still feels so much as himself, Nino being just too close to himself, maybe?

Shun! sweet Shun is still the same, even though Shun men was so much crack, Shun is more like the common character and I'm looking forward to more development of his story in the next part, maybe on the romantic side, I don't know, I love the way how he decides on his future over flyers and how he looked grown up. Yes, a grown-up version of young and clueless Shun.

Good boy Bon, he is just as we could predict he would be, but is he still keeping secrets? I'm also looking forward to the rest of his story, actually I'm looking forward part 3, so I'm going to stop repeating this part. I love how funny he is and his taste on women, I think he is the one that looks more different physically, Matsujun, you have grown up so right! I think he is not the same Bon but how could he be?

Ok, fave one, still, he stills wins my heart being the perfect daddy! What's wrong with Yayoi! Papa Chu is like the best! He looks the sweetest with Tepeki, yes I've learned his son's name. Plus, he may be a more fun version of Sakurai Sho in real life, but can I mention how masculine he acts? It's like you can rely on him, what's wrong with you Asami! Chu in his yanqui grown-up version.

The plus

The plus element on this story is without a doubt the great chemistry that we all know these guys can portray on screen. It really feels like a reunion of old friends, that have some background in common. And if you look into the making, they really seem to just be there having fun! These guys needn't have to do this, I mean to pick up this saga, maybe the one with the most infamous portray of themselves, but they do this because they love this, their job, to make fun of themselves, to get money out of it and well the only logical conclusion because they love their jobs. And that just makes this whole thing more worthy, like extending the meaning of Pikanchi word.

So, to me and to a bunch of those lucky fans that get the cute packaging this is so worthy, and for the rest, I'll leave this Neen concerning gesture.

Ok, that was uncalled, but look at his face!

The real meaning of Pikanchi

So, to finish, I'll be honest and say that this is not just a matter of being the half effort movie of a bunch of really famous guys in Japan by their 15th anniversary. This is not about the fandom, this goes just straight behind all of that. The other day I went out with my group of friends from high school, and that was soooo nice, I mean we haven't seen each other in a while, but we have managed to maintain a friendship throughout the years. We may see each other maybe four or five times a year, but being there talking to them, and catching up with her lives, her thoughts on adult life and the difficulties of life... just made me feel like in a place in which I treasure friendship, those who have shared the past with you, and being there and probably will be there, even that from now on, the occasions may be a funeral, they would be there. Because that's friendship, being attached by the past, a more simple and careless past... I felt so lucky and uttered to myself, I have my own Pikanchi!!!
So this is real boys and girls, people grow up, and we are just a bunch of ex-adolescents trying to figure out life and trying to pursuit in not losing our believe we once had, that life can be happy. So, in the 30's maybe the best thing they could get out of their experience is a maybe. And that maybe is the only small ray of light that makes them have hope for the future and forget that sometimes it can be totemo unhappy

Hurry up and do part 3

It's true, this was just a catching up with the characters and present the situation, maybe a little unfair for us the viewers, but maybe just another way to make us end the movie saying what the heck was that?
Well, by now, we are pretty used to that. I haven't mentioned much but I loved to once again look into Yashio, and into their lives. This is a low budget film, few changes in outfits, many framing, and few locations, but space and time were smartly used. The lighting and the music were really nice, well the OST is pretty much known by now, and the inserted songs just now make so much more sense. At last, I wanted to try that ramen.
To finish my marks are Hurry up and do part 3 Maybe if I were to be unbiased this would be a 3 and a half, but these guys put a word in my vocabulary and picked up on a weird saga to our delight, so it's a 4 waiting for next part!!



: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
: Yoshihiko Inohara (story), Masahiko Kawahara
Release Date
: August 1, 2014
: 113 min.
: J Storm
: J Storm
: Japanese

Let's continue to witness their journey


*I'm totally guilty of using part of the big matsuri of gifs that were produced by 2.5, gomen and thank you

To end a very unrelated thing

I love this guy, btw it was hilarious when the other day my friend on FB wrote, I think you like this guy better than Matsujun, as implying a betrayal!! I know right!!! That's our Neen!!

Happy B-day to Tama-chan, just found out today!! *Yes, I started this on the 11 but end up finishing it on the 17th, so it's Tama bday*

Riidaa and Jun's trip was hilarious and super sweet, I totally do that thing of pointing out everything just to call the attention!

I love the way this man plays the game, he was going so fast! this is the way you should play this game, show them mister Show!!

Until Pikanchi 3! And a very sweet Neen

matsumoto jun, arashi is awesome, randomness, ohno satoshi, aiba masaki, review, neen, 2014, this don't even make sense, sho, PIKA☆NCHI

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