Bouquet - Johnny's WEST

Aug 05, 2022 01:37

Hi! So, this is a beautiful song I have been meaning to translate or try to do so for so long! I'm not kidding, it's been in my drafts for so long, I mean this single is from before the album from the start of the year, let's go~

So, this is their 18th single from Johnny's WEST, "Reimei / Mougo Shikanai ne" (Reimei / Go forward). Reimei" means "dawn" or "the beginning of something new" in Japanese, and is the first medium ballad single from Johnny's West. The regular edition includes "Bouquet," a heartfelt slow number written by singer-songwriter NakamuraEmi for Johnny's WEST.

Those are rough translations from their official sources. This was an amazing single, this single it's about encouraging messages, simply that, it's a double A-side single filled with the support-messages songs I love so much from them! They also have Cherry on top, which I loved but instantly said, that one I won't even try hahaha. And they also have a Daiki song, as usual.

I didn't even remember their jacket!

So, Bouquet is a beautiful sort of dark sounded ballad?! I don't know how else to describe it, lol, but the message! it's an amazing song, please give it a try, and of course to this amazing single from West in which they showcase their varied style at its best, in my opinion, lol. So, I'm sorry for my probable mistakes, I'm not fully satisfied with the result but love, love the message, I got kanji from here.

ジャニーズWEST( Johnny's WEST )



どうしてだろう 僕が飲んだ緑茶だけ濁って見えて
どうしてだろう シミ抜きしたはずなのに消えなくて

Why is it that, only the green tea I drank looked cloudy?
I wonder why? Despite I thought I removed the stain, it wouldn't go away.

寂しいとも違う 悔しいとも違う そんな時があって
汚い気持ちを 落としたい時 あなた思い出す

It's different from loneliness, it's not the same as frustration, it's just that sometimes
when I need to let go of dirty feelings, I remember you.

大人になっても変わらない 悩みは大抵変わらない
抜け出した瞬間また来た 御伽の国じゃないから
ひどい顔で泣いた日も 欲張って転んだあの日も
錆び付いて真っ黒なのに あなたは言ってくれた

Growing up is no different, and most of our troubles don't change
The moment I escaped, I came back again because it's not a fairyland
The day I cried with a terrible face. The day I fell down because I was greedy
Even though it was rusty and so dark, you told me

花束みたいだ綺麗さ 派手じゃない色だって必要さ
大丈夫さ 抱えきれなくて 溢れそうな時は

It's like a bouquet of flowers, it's that beautiful, we also need colors that are not showy.
It's okay. When you feel like you can't hold it and it's about to overflow...
Let's hold it together.

そんなこと言うから 忘れてた深呼吸してみたよ
そんなこと言うから 錆びたとこ少しずつ溶けてくよ

Because you said that, I took a deep breath I'd forgotten to take
Because you said that, the rusty parts are melting away little by little.

「もしこうなったら もしダメだったら」は 旅の荷物になる
大抵のことは 笑い話になる 時間て素敵だ

"What if this happens? What if it doesn't work out?" That's become the baggage to carry on my journey.
Most things will become funny anecdotes. Time is a wonderful thing.

胸が傷ついた音は 誰にも聞こえないから
忘れるくらい綺麗な 音を探し続けるよ
また濁って見えても 汚い気持ちになっても
あなたが言った言葉を 口ずさむよ

Since no one can hear the sound of my broken heart.
I'll keep looking for a sound that's often forgotten how beautiful it is.
Even if it looks muddy again, even if it makes me feel dirty
I'll keep humming the words you said

花束みたいだ綺麗さ 派手じゃない色だって必要さ
大丈夫さ 抱えきれなくて 溢れそうな時は 一緒に抱えるよ
花束みたいな日だって 錆び付いて濁った日だって
大丈夫さ 抱えすぎたら 御伽の国じゃないから ちゃんと手放すよ
そして思い出すよ 僕が花束なんて 笑っちゃうよ

It's like a bouquet of flowers, it's that beautiful, we also need colors that are not showy.
It's okay. When you feel like you can't hold it and it's about to overflow, I'll hold it with you.
Even on a day like a bouquet of flowers. Even on a rusty, muddy day.
It's okay, if I've been holding it on for too long, it's not a fairyland, so I can let it go.
And then I'll remember that I'm like a bouquet of flowers. That's funny.

花束みたいだ 大丈夫さ

I'm like a bouquet of flowers, it'll be okay.

[T/N]: First, I didn't remember this single was this good! and it's not like I don't like cherry on top, but it's usually the kind of song I would enjoy to listen but won't even try to translate lol.
So, I didn't have many notes on this, it's just that now it called my attention, for their songs it's usually "kimi" the pronoun used for the counterpart, the significant other they're talking about or talking to, but here it's "anata" maybe because the lyricist is a lady, but it sounds much sweeter and with much more affection, at least to me haha.

So, I love that by the end, the person singing it's not just convinced that life it's like a bouquet of flowers, but themselves are a bouquet, I didn't know how else to translate that. Maybe we are just that, lol, and that indeed it's funny, it could also be translated as "that makes me laugh".
So, I love how all the negativity is left behind after the cute concept heard from this "anata" person, I think I love the whole vibe of the song because the music it's kind of dark, but the lyrics are full of hope, I love the dichotomy of that, and the message. I mean it's about reminding us, that it's okay if it's not perfect, this is not a fairyland, things will probably be unflashy and muddy and it's okay to let go when you can't hold it anymore, and it's so fine if it's someone telling you that will help you hold on to it! I love encouraging songs if that isn't clear by now...

I almost forgot! -> Can you drink cloudy tea?
Cloudy iced tea is fine to drink. It may not look or taste as great as clear iced-tea, but it certainly won't harm you.
Lol, it was kind of funny when I found this on the Internet~

I highlighted my fave parts.

image Click to view

And that was it, one less song in my drafts waiting forever! haha, I'll have one more in a sec~ I think. I'm kind of tired, each day has its own colors, like in a bouquet but frankly, it's exhausting sometimes haha. See you~

Actually, I'm better now and enjoying my last days of sleeping late~

- たろ (@TR_846) April 22, 2022

english lyrics, 2022, single, johnny's west, , #ジャニーズWESTデビュー8周年

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