Secret Touch - Snow Man

Dec 22, 2021 00:19

You know how I usually write I wasn't planning on doing a song? well, I was definitely not planning to do this one, LOL, because I'm sure it's been done many times by a lot of people, but the dorama was ending and I felt nostalgic somehow~

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This is one of the theme songs for Meme and Michi's dorama, which is such a sweet and cute dorama! And this song was not the one I liked the most after the first episode, but, this was the one that moved me the most during the whole season and I ended up loving it~ So, I decided to give this a try, I got kanji from here and what called my attention was that the lyricist of this song is the same for Ubu Love, and for many great songs, including my favorite ones from WEST, so it was a given that I'd like this one~

Secret Touch

この胸を... 高鳴りを

This heart... its pounding...
as if to confirm it,
I shared your gaze again and again.

Are you my friend?
Are you my lover?
... touch my heart

って思うと なぜ不安になるんだ

It's the two confused silhouettes
under the sunlight filtering through the foliage, and the little commotion in my heart.
This is a world of just the two of us.
Why do I feel anxious whenever I think of that?

誰かに話したい 話せない
そう あの日の... Secret Touch

I want to tell someone this. I can't.
Yeah, about that day's … Secret Touch
I didn't want to pretend it never happened,
so I hid it in the sudden rain.

初めてさ... もどかしさ...
嬉しくて 泣きたくて
咲いた花は まだ小さなStrawberry
-My love is blooming-

It was my first time... it was frustrating
as if to confirm it,
I shared your gaze again and again.
I was so happy, I wanted to cry.
The flower that bloomed was still a tiny strawberry
-My love is blooming-
I just wanted to like you.


Looking for a reason to meet you on your day off,
I'm selfishly waiting for a call from you,
and then the day will be over again.

ストライプ or ボーダー
チェック or ドット

Horizontal or vertical stripes?
Checked or dotted?
What clothes are you wearing today?
It's all about you, in the end.

こんなの夢みたい 夢じゃない
そう あの日の... Perfect Touch

Something that feels so much like a dream, but it's not
Right, that day's ... Perfect Touch
Because I wanted to cherish it more than anything
I entrusted this feeling to the night sky.

初めてさ... もどかしさ...
嬉しくて 泣きたくて
咲いた花は まだ小さなStrawberry
-My love is blooming-

It was my first time... it was frustrating...
as if to confirm it,
I shared your gaze again and again.
I was so happy, I wanted to cry.
The flower that bloomed was still a tiny strawberry
-My love is blooming-
I just wanted to like you

朝 目が覚めて 涙したのは
いつもみたいに また君に会いたくなるから
ダメだね... なぜだろう

This morning when I opened my eyes, I shed a tear
because I wanted to see you again, like I always do.
That's not good, right? Why is that,
in the same rhythm of my breathing
my love for you overflows.

唇のゆく先を 見失いそうで

When it looked like I was losing sight of where my lips were going
I reached out for your heartbeat.

本当はまだ 隣でただ
ほらそっと ずっと
帰り道の 夕陽のように
-My love is blooming-

The truth is, I'm still next to you,
still feeling you,
here, softly, all the time.
Sharing your kindness,
like the setting sun on the way home,
faintly, the Strawberry has begun to redden
-My love is blooming-
It's just starting to bloom.

[Not T/N]: Okay, this won't be a translation notes section, LOL, I love this ballad, it's so simple and it reflects so much the feelings within the characters in the dorama. I just feel like it's simple and cute and I love the strawberry part.
Actually, about the singing, Meme is the one who surprised me the most, I love his starting line.
Now, I can't think of the secret touch as anything but Ida's pon XD, so either way, I think this is an easy-to-hear ballad with nice vocals.

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Since I can't embed a video~ I'll leave a link to something I liked to do before pretty much anything else LOL. The pass is "snow touch" 'cause I keep mixing the names LOL

And now, let me talk about my frustration, and it's about Michi. LOL, okay this is nothing serious, trust me, but I feel like I lost a little bit of my little sweet child, LOL, Michi used to be such a cutie, well he still certainly is, but I'd like to emphasize the part in which he was "my" sweet cute kid. I remember as it was yesterday, well that's actually a saying, 'cause I don't even remember the year, but when I first saw him by the end of episode 1 in Haha ni naru... so cute, so sweet... And now, it seems like everyone is so interested in him... LOL, well, I certainly couldn't have imagined that I'd be lucky enough to work in so many of his early projects, I'm happy I was able to discover him back then XD I'm so proud of his growth as an actor mainly. He's so cute, but he was able to make his character such a relatable character, I'm super proud of him. I'm only expecting great things from him :D

And I can't believe he grew up so much in his height... you really never know~
Also, I came back to write this, but Nau-senpai from Haha ni naru was Toyoda here!! Michi and he worked together again! That's just so super sweet~

And that's it! My fave song from probably my fave dorama this season, I was super impressed by Meme as well, but I know Michi from back when he was little! LOL

- mosaku (@mo_saku) December 12, 2021

I have many other songs on my actual list, but I couldn't let this pass, I won't do Ubu Love, LOL, I wasn't even intending to try this one!
In other news I also finished Avalanche and Saiai, I liked both... what else? oh, Koi desu... it was a nice season for me.
On the local news, I think things went well with my Christmas project, I was so happy, it was a nice experience and I missed doing it so much last year~
Oh, on subbing news, I was encoding all day long and also yesterday, but finally! ep7 and 8 from crazy Fuma skit are ready~ It's so entertaining XD

And that's it! I'm leaving randomly, oh, to end, I'll put animated confetti in our software at work because it looks nice!! and no one can't stop me, plus it'll be there just for 10 secs...

- あかつき (@Akatsuki_blueee) October 20, 2021


english lyrics, 2021, single, v♥deo, snow man

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