От оленей -обратно

Feb 28, 2022 17:53

В Канаде отмечен случай, когда коронавирус САРС2 перескочил, скорее всего, от оленей (которые, считается, заражаются от людей и потом легко передают друг другу) - обратно к людям. Этот вариант коронавируса новой линии содержит 76 мутаций, из которых 37, считается, относятся к тем, что помогли вирусу адаптироваться у животных. 23 из этих  "животных" мутаций к оленям не относятся, так что может быть, вирус "подгулял" где-то еще.
Но авторы отмечают, что не похоже, чтобы этот вариант вируса был с усточивостью к иммунитету, выработанному прививкой. Что хорошо.
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Wildlife reservoirs of SARS-CoV-2 can lead to viral adaptation and spillback from wildlife to humans (Oude Munnink et al., 2021). In North America, there is evidence of spillover of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), but no evidence of transmission from deer to humans (Hale et al., 2021; Kotwa et al., 2022; Kuchipudi et al., 2021). Through a multidisciplinary research collaboration for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in Canadian wildlife, we identified a new and highly divergent lineage of SARS-CoV-2. This lineage has 76 consensus mutations including 37 previously associated with non-human animal hosts, 23 of which were not previously reported in deer.
Using the five high quality completed WTD (4581, 4645, 4649, 4658, and 4662) samples and related human sample (ON-PHL-21-44225), we analysed the prevalence of mutations across GISAID, among VOCs, and from animal-derived samples (the shared non-synonymous subset can be found in Table 1 with full mutation list in Table S2). Of the 76 mutations shared among the 5 high quality WTD and associated human sequences, 51 are in ORF1ab (with 11 and 9 each in Nsp3 and Nsp4, respectively) and 9 are in spike genes. The 6 non-synonymous mutations in S correspond to a 6 nucleotide deletion (V143-Y145), and 5 substitutions (H49Y, T95I, F486L, N501T, D614G). With the exception of the relatively rare but animal associated F486L (439 GISAID sequences as of February 2022), these mutations have been frequently observed in animal-derived viral sequences including bats, cats, hamsters, deer, and mink.
There were also mutational signatures of host adaptation under neutral selection. Phylogenetic analysis revealed an epidemiologically linked human case from the same geographic region and sampling period. Together, our findings represent the first evidence of a highly divergent lineage of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer and of deer-to-human transmission.

генетика, статьи, животные, коронавирус, эпидемия

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