Аэрозольная передача

Apr 29, 2021 23:28

На мой взгляд, правильная и полезная статья- о том, что передача коронавируса осуществляется, в основном, аэрозольным путем.
 И понимание это особенно важно для мер по предотвращению заражения, принмиаемых и соблюдаемых, в частности,  внутри помещений.
Some infectious diseases, including COVID-19, can be transmitted via aerosols that are emitted by an infectious person and inhaled by susceptible individuals. Although physical distancing effectively reduces short-range airborne transmission, many infections have occurred when sharing room air despite maintaining distancing. We propose two simple parameters as indicators of infection risk for this situation. They combine the key factors that control airborne disease transmission indoors: virus-containing aerosol generation rate, breathing flow rate, masking and its quality, ventilation and air cleaning rates, number of occupants, and duration of exposure. COVID-19 outbreaks show a clear trend in relation to these parameters that is consistent with an airborne infection model, supporting the importance of airborne transmission for these outbreaks. The observed trends of outbreak size vs. risk parameters allow us to recommend values of the parameters to minimize COVID-19 indoor infection risk. All of the pre-pandemic spaces are in a regime where they are highly sensitive to mitigation efforts. Measles outbreaks occur at much lower risk parameter values than COVID-19, while tuberculosis outbreaks are observed at much higher risk parameter values. Since both diseases are accepted as airborne, the fact that COVID-19 is less contagious than measles does not rule out airborne transmission. It is important that future outbreak reports include ventilation information, to allow expanding our knowledge of the circumstances conducive to airborne transmission of different diseases.
In conclusion, our analysis shows that mitigation measures are needed whenever COVID-19 is spreading in a community to limit aerosol transmission risk in most indoor spaces. Among effective measures are reducing vocalization, avoiding intense physical activities, shortening duration, reducing occupancy, wearing high-quality well-fitting masks, increasing ventilation and applying additional virus removal measures (e.g. using HEPA filters). The use of multiple “layers of protection” is needed in many situations, while a single measure (e.g. masking) may not be able to reduce risk to low levels. We have shown that combinations of some or all of these measures are able to lower H close to 0.01 person h2 m-3, so that the expected number of secondary cases is substantially lower than 1 even in the presence of an infectious person, hence would be likely to avoid major outbreaks.

И в ту же тему- австралийцы показали в своей работе, что использование портативных очистителей воздуха,  имеющих НЕРА фильтры, помогает в 5 раз сократить загрязненность воздуха аэрозолями (включая вирусные частицы).
Portable air cleaners were very effective in removing aerosols, especially for the devices with high flow rate. In a small control room, the aerosols were cleared 4 to 5 times faster with portable air cleaners than the room with HVAC alone. A single bed hospital room equipped with an excellent ventilation rate (~ 14 air changes per hour) can clear the aerosols in 20 minutes. However, with the addition of two air cleaners, the clearance time became 3 times faster (in 6 minutes and 30 seconds). Conclusions: Portable air cleaning devices with HEPA filtration were highly effective at removing aerosols. To clear aerosols (above 90% clearance) in under 10 minutes requires around 25 air changes per hour; readily feasible with air cleaners. Inexpensive portable air cleaning devices should be considered for small and enclosed spaces in health care settings such as inpatient rooms, personal protective equipment donning/doffing stations, and staff tea rooms. Portable air cleaners are particularly important where there is limited ability to reduce aerosol transmission with building HVAC ventilation.

гигиена, статьи, коронавирус, эпидемия

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