Во Флориде
руководство частной школы просит учителей не прививаться от ковида, пока не окончится учебный год, а если они привьются потом- то, на работу их привитыми- не возьмут. Пока не окончатся "клинические испытания".
A Miami private school has asked its employees to wait to get the
Covid-19 vaccine until the end of the school year, but still cautioned that if they do, they won't be allowed to return next year, the school told staff this month.
Потому что, когда
привитые взаимодейстуют с непривитыми, они негативно влияют на последних. Нарушая периоды и провоцируя выкидыши.
Because this new information has introduced the possibility that vaccinated individuals may be inadvertently impacting the health of others, I am compelled to take action until further information is available.
Until we have more information, we ask that:
1. If you want to get the vaccine, please wait until the school year ends and you will not be able to return to school until clinical trials are complete (if a position is still available at that time).
2. If you want to get the vaccine before the school year ends, please let us know right away as we cannot allow recently vaccinated people to be near our students until more information is known.
3. If you have taken the vaccine prior to April 21, 2021, please report that to us and maintain physical distance from the students.
Классика обывательского "после= вследствие", ну и на ум приходят торсионные поля...