Экономические плюсы карантина

Apr 23, 2020 16:44

Car accidents and injuries from crashes dropped by half in California during the first three weeks of the state's shelter-in-place order, UC Davis researchers found in a new report.

The reduced accidents saved the state about $40 million per day - $1 billion over the three weeks researchers studied, according to the report from the university's Road Ecology Center.

Overall traffic also fell by 55 percent on some highways during that time, and trauma injuries for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists fell by up to 50 percent in Sacramento-area hospitals. Researchers gathered data from traffic incidents reported by the California Highway Patrol.

"The reduction in traffic accidents is unparalleled," the report says. "There is no equivalent in our recent transportation history to such large changes in vehicle movement on our state and local roads."

сша, экономика, коронавирус

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