jesus and kin

Feb 27, 2007 19:57

so it was recently said that they have discovered what may be the remains of jesus and mary magdalene and a son named judah. and now all the christians are up in arms trying to say it is not jesus and that if it is it some how destroys christianity. how? as i see it all religion is a question of faith whether you are a buddhist, hindu, muslim or christian. having some of the supernatural aspects of your religion taken away destroys it. lets be honest, christians have always looked down on other peoples religions as "wrong" if you don't believe in christ you are going to hell. well jesus himself did not worship christ how could he worship himself. belief in the message of christianity is the point right? because if you look at the claims of some of the bible you cannot honestly believe things happened that way? people living to be 900 years old, walking on water, rising from the dead. and some one saying they are the son of god, the actual son of god. a virgin birth come on. if someone said those things today they would be the butt of every joke nightly on tv but since it was said some thousands of years ago it is true. if you believe that then i am waiting for king arthur to return with excalibur.
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