May 02, 2004 21:28
So I'm really behind in writing in/reading journals and I just checked my friends page for the first time in like a week, I think. And I was reminded of something by one of B's posts from a few days ago....the whole thing about (I think he was talking about me ;) ) believing that people with real talent shouldn't have to work as hard to let their talent shine through. Yes, that is my elitist philosophy, and it has spread itself to other parts of life as well, so I'm gonna talk about that because it's hard to say what I think out loud and not sound like a bitch...story of my life right? hehe
Anyway, here it is. I have this friend here at the U of M that I love very much....there are about 5 people here I would call my friends and she is one of them...very smart girl, very neurotic and overly conscienscious (sp?) about her school work. And we did this paper for our History of Psych class (the best class I've EVER taken) that was going to be some hard stuff. It was 10-12 pages and I was scared, but I finally found a topic to do it on. I researched just as much as I usually do, cause I'm a slacker...this girl had her topic from like the beginning of the semester...all stems back to when we went out to lunch in February with this other girl for her birthday, and she started saying she was going to do her paper on giftedness. And of course, I said "that's interesting, why?" and so she went on this thing about how she's gifted and has always had so much pressure put on her since she found out in 4th grade and all that good stuff. So I'm thinking...ok, I was in enrichment and APEX and all that stuff too that she was talking about, but I was never labelled as "gifted". I always made good grades, but that was it ya know? So she researched and all that stuff for forever, made note cards, etc. Then there's me....started writing the paper around 9 the night before it was due, got a bad headache and the shakes for some reason, went to bed at 11:30, got up at 5:30 and finished it in time to take a shower and turn it in at 9:40 in class. I made a 49/50. Highest grade in the damn class. The next closest was hers...46/50...and I never told her that I made the high grade, but she was talking about how she worked so hard and that since she was gifted and all, she should've gotten a better grade. Anyway, not that any of this matters to anyone but me, and I still love the girl to death. I guess the moral of the story is, kids should never EVER be told stuff like that and be pressured to do well. she has anxiety issues and OCD pretty bad..makes almost all A's and all that, but puts so much pressure on herself as well.
However, and this is where bitch Sarah comes in....she's worked her ass off. Totally, 100% worked her ass off for all this stuff, all because she's "gifted" but there's that thing in my head telling me that if she really was gifted she wouldn't have to work so hard. In a way, I'm being smug because I make grades just like hers if not better and I don't study half as much, but on the other hand I feel sorry for her and everyone else like her. People run themselves ragged in college, and then when they get out in the real world and don't get a 5-letter rating system for everything they do, they're going to feel underappreciated, and probably will just work harder and drive themselves crazy.
OK, yeah, none of that made sense, so onto other things....
Yesterday was my last performance with the U of M wind ensemble, but I'm in the process of finding out if I'll have time to still play next year while I'm in grad school. If I can just block rehearsal and concert time out on my schedule, I'll be fine, but we'll see....Some good things:
I'm done with my last full semester of college (only two summer classes to go!)
I'm definitely going to win the bet with my dad...the Chevy Equinox is the car of choice
Chad is doing great, even though he's stressing about a test right now
Atty is doing great, and he makes my life even better
I'm pretty happy with the medicine I'm taking even though I'm still sad sometimes. Guess baing fat does that.
I'm getting my legs waxed next week! yippee!!!!!!!!!!!
Called and left B a drunk message on Friday...that made me smile.
Called and talked to Les on Friday while she was on her way to the pig that girl even though she's a slut for hooking up with my big brother.
Jeff is staying in town and we're going to go to some Redbirds games this summer
Sarah L. lives here, and thank goodness she's my best girlfriend, even though she thinks I'm nuts
Always hopeful prospects of anyone coming to visit this summer!
Going to see Kenny Chesney, then Prince in concert in the next month and a half!!!!!!!!
I don't have class until June 4th or something like that
um...yeah, i think that's it
oh, Willie gets to start jumpseating home on FedEx planes starting June 15th! yay! my big brother!
ok, that's it I guess.....
Bob, hope you got those cookbooks and maybe you're using them for more than as a coaster ;)
I love all my Eville buddies! If you're graduating next week, think of me for a split second and wish I was there =)