Hey guys! So I don't post here all that often, or at all really, but I just found out something awesome that I think y'all should know.
Friday I went with a friend to see Iron Man 2 (which I thought was awesome, by the way - hated Sam Rockwell, though) and as we were coming out of the theater there was a little set up of about three computers, with a big Nielsen sign over them. There were a couple guys there, trying to get people to come over, that had Nielsen badges and later told us that they worked for the company. Basically what it was, was a website that they took you to and you took a little survey on a show that you watched last night and depending on the amount of points you rack up during the survey, you can get entered to win cool prizes. It's questions about the episode and the commercials between it, super easy stuff if you actually watched the episode (unlike me, who did an episode of Bones just to do it). But that's beside the point.
So I was talking to the guy who was telling me how to do it and I asked if I could do a show that aired on Monday. He said no, only shows that aired the night before and they only work on weekends. I asked if there was a way to do it from home and he said of course, that they'd send me an email with the website to go on at home and you can keep doing it to keep earning points for prizes, which was really cool.
The coolest part? Apparently doing these surveys counts towards the ratings.
I know it sounds like a scam, but it's really not if Nielsen is willing to put their "good" name on it. Basically all you do is go to www.rewardtv.com and create a login and pick your show from a little table at the bottom and do a quick quiz on the episode and the commercials they showed. You can do however many you want, I think you can even take the same survey more than once.
I figure, if we all do this on Tuesday after the episode airs, that should at least help a little bit, right?