I come from a big family. My mother is one of ten children born to my German/Irish grandparents in Cincinnati, OH. Those ten children then spawned 27 first cousins (including my brother and I). You add in various first cousins once removed and second cousins (I forget the difference) and the Hein family really adds up.
So when I was trying to decide on a first project to play with the
Google Maps API, I had to look no further than my own family. I took an Excel spreadsheet distributed by my aunt Anne, used some Perl code to pass it through
geocoder to retrieve latitudes and longitudes, and viola! I created the
Hein Finder (Beta). Not bad for one night's work.
It's interesting to see the distributions. The obvious thing to notice is that not many left Ohio. Less obvious is that if you zoom in on Cincinnati, everyone is east of I-75. It sort of makes sense since the epicenter was originally Mt. Lookout. Sadly, since I left the midwest Kentucky is no longer represented, but I feel like I am accomplishing big things holding down the Northeast.
I'm gonna keep playing with it, but I suspect it will ultimately have to go behind a password as I add things like phone numbers and addresses. I just wanted to show it off while I still can.