May 25, 2010 17:32
In the City of the Snake there is no Abaddon, so what of the cave? No new thing it's said, perhaps over Helios
A spring in spring, a twister...these things end after so much swirling...
I want to step out and bring along the chosen...I meet them all the time. Little Gods and Immortals living this language of Mephistopheles a language moved and improved by man.
Its as if my soul tries to shed my flesh from it. My mind is the battleground for this war. The tent demands and the third explains away. the crow reveals and the the cloth denies.
What if that is wrong....what if its the soul with the sheol desire and the body that is destroyed by this fire.
There is a fire and there is a lack...I don't know how to explain it.
I will not bend to the unwillingness of man and nature