this entry has 2 parts
Post the first line of the first entry of each month.
January: "ok, so everyone has all these deep and interesting entries about it being a new year, and recaps of all the wacky stuff that went on in '04... i dunno... it just seems like the next day to me."
February: "this weekend i had the good fortune of spending some 5 or 6 quality hours with some awesome people."
March: "hi everyone reading this. i'm in the bates computer lab and i still really want one of these monitors. but i digress."
April: "i could describe what i'm feeling... but only at great lengths. and i don't particularly care to do so even then... because it's no longer a big deal........... im totally lying... but i might not be.
May: "sorry i haven't updated in a while. i've been so incredibly busy, what with classes, and rehearsals, concerts, and whatnot. it's still not over. a cappella is next week. then finals start next thursday, and i'm not out of here until the 17th."
June: "i find it irritatingly interesting that everytime i take this 5-year hiatus from updating, the first thing i use to update is something trivial like this. but i decided to do it anyways."
July: "the year is half over already. where the hell did it go? no really."
August: "i realized that i never get comments anymore... but then i also realized that to RECEIVE comments, i need to actually CREATE entries for people to comment on."
September: "I want everyone to see The Aristocrats. Find a theatre where it's playing and go see it. i'm still trying to think of a time I've laughed harder than i did last night. WOW."
October: "i just want to say i miss the combined efforts of keri, jared, meg, diana, julie, victor, dan, chad, kelly, jess, pete, lissa, mallat, primeau, ::EDIT:: dave, heather, ::END EDIT:: and above all, graci."
November: "hi everyone. i'm posting my schedule for next semester, like i did for this semester! yay!"
December: "we'll start from the beginning."
~i had a shitty christmas break until lissa and dave came and whisked me away from my woes, and brought me to emily's house where adam was waiting and we all played pictionary. it now stands as a tradition that we never follow through with. amen.
~came back to school and started rehearsals for "songs"... understudy... meh. it was ok. got to sing with keri. >_< that was woot-worthy.
~more "songs" rehearsals. lamenting the patheticness of single-ty. more "songs" rehearsals.
~"songs for a new world is love"
~applied for director, RA, and OL. 2 outta 3 ain't bad. no dice on the directorship. pete and i become closer friends
~and keri and i will bear each other's children one day.
~classes suck balls. history. orchestration. music hist. billy shakes w/joanio. bah, tenfold.
*bewaaaare the iiides of maaaaaaaarch*
~saw the world series trophy in person.
~saw "honk jr."
~got unnecessarily depressed at the growing affections dave and keri had for each other.
~i meet this kid james, who was in this play "bent"... first time i see him, he orgasms right in front of me. (just kidding, it was part of the show.) we instantly grow smitten with each other, and make our relationship official on the 13th. i am the uberhappy for the first time in a VERY long while.
~orientation camp. i am placed on the parent staff again. R0X0R5!! go me and kelly forsythe!
~came out to mom and dad. hooooooooorrible idea. much fighting and disappointment ensued. but i got INCESSANT love and support from every single one of my friends. which meant the world to me. i love you guys.
~and on a much minor-er note: i discovered my famous tendercrisp bacon cheddar ranch salad.
~got the opportunity to work on campus over the summer, and live with diana. YAY! apartment out in the 413, closer to james. no inevitable family bullshit. passed all my finals except history. (*vomit*) and decide to take a summer course.
~one-month anniversary. beautiful. general grievous. cuddles. yay.
~HP6 came out. :-D read it in 4 days. that's slow for me.
~started working in the office.
~diana is a fun roommate. YAY!
~lost my virginity. no details here... but he was so wonderful. *warm, fuzzy feeling*
~orientation 2005!! WOO HOO!
~almost get fired for leaving campus on my day off. turns out it was well worth it: james proposed. and i accepted. UBERHAPPY!
~4th of July party where NOBODY asks awkward questions about my sexuality.
~more working in the office.
~diana is an ok roommate. she leaves to get surgery. yay.
~fuckin mom... pisses me off. *ugh*
~i proposed back to james. in all fairness, we're both guys. i should get to do a proposal in my life too. he accepted. i am more of the uberhappy.
~diana is a SUCKY roommate. GLAD to get the hell out of there.
~fucking office.
~boring month.
~rocky times with james.
~saw The Aristocrats. stands as one of my most favoritest movies in the history of movies.
~fucked my knee up again... this time kinda bad. it hurt more than it ever has. and on top of that, it was on a day that wasn't particularly fun-filled. UGH.
~i turn 20. i am officially 2 decades old. had an amazing birthday. spent it with the one person i really wanted to.
~james's health begins to falter... chest issues, and the like. late night hospital visit. bad plan.
~diana and i semi-make up. whoo hoo.
~my mind has fallen into a temporary state of utter confusion. everything in my life seems somehow wrong, except for james. i knew i wanted him in my life, but we were still figuring out ways around the little issues.
~plans for thanksgiving that included james have been blown off course due to the unexpected admittance of my nana into the hospital with medical problems the doctors can't even determine. much blustering and kerfuffle ensued.
~james and my mom having it out on the phone. eep. *steers clear*
~thanksgiving without my baby. fun. people talk about me being gay. it's all good.
~emily and i plan to start a PUPPETEERING TEAM on campus! YAY!
~that night, the love of my life began his journey to the end. james was in a car accident, breaking his legs in a total of 5 places, and damaging his brain. after 2 weeks, they decided he either wouldn't wake up, or if he did, he'd be brain damaged permanently. a week later, they took him off life support and he died peacefully in his bed on december 17.
~december 22 - james' funeral. i am a pall bearer, along with shane, mike, tom, and his father, and his brother. a last goodbye, as he screws up my prayer. "thanks a lot," i say as i smile at his casket. "i'll always love you."
~surrounded by my friends and good old Gamecube, i rally in strength and make it through christmas just fine.
~december 26 - i break down and cry for a good long half hour. relieved, i tell my friends about it, and they continue to be more supportive than i could even think of asking for. i love you all. i need to be around you guys again, and soon.