Aug 18, 2003 22:12
Howdy. First of all I want to update everyone on my hand. I went to a new doctor today and she was very helpful. Unlike my last one, she knew what was wrong and how to fix it. (Which was basically what I was hoping to get from the last one) If I remember correctly I have 'ulna tunnel syndrome' which is similar to carpal tunnel only its with a different nerve. Apparently its not that serious of a condition and all I need to do really is keep my elbow as straight as possible for the next few weeks. I've also had to rearrange my desk, but that wasn't the end of the world. So far though, so good. (I mean I'm typing this aren't I?) Anyway I should be back up to par by the time school rolls around.
In other news I just got back from a trip to Charleston, SC and I must say I had an awesome time. I went to visit and old friend of mine named Jan, who's a senior at the College of Charleston. This trip was great for many reasons, but the two things that came to my attention the most were:
1. Being around college kids again.
2. Getting away from everything and everyone in Atlanta, especially my family.
Don't get me wrong I love my folks and all, its just that I've gotten use to living without adult supervision after a year at school, and the last 3 months have been kind of rough. This is also largely because it's been the most socially inactive 3 months I can ever recall; That however is mostly my fault, and a mistake I don't intend on repeating in the future.
Anyway Jan was also a great host and a great friend, and we had a lot of fun together. This trip also marks the first time I've gotten pulled over by the cops. How did such a event occur you ask? Well I'll tell you.
Jan and I were driving from a performance of the play she was in to a party. After this performance though, there was a small reception. At this reception, they served alcohol, and lots of it. I hadn't eaten anything all day so when I got in the car with my 3rd beer in my hand I was already feeling pretty good. Jan had a cup of wine with her but hadn't started drinking it when we pulled off. A little bit after I finished my beer we noticed a squad car tailing us. Needless to say, we were nervous. I decided to chug her wine just seconds before the cop's lights went on. We were both panicking but managed to pull over with out any incident. The cop walked up to the window and asked if we knew as to why we were pulled over. We of course responded with a "No" So, were we speeding? No. Driving recklessly? No. Missing a headlight? Yes. A fucking headlight was out. She had been driving like that for a good month and we got pulled over the one time when there were empty bottles in the car and wine all over my shorts. Thank God the officer didn't notice the blanket covering the beer bottle and wine glass. Needless to say it was one of the most nerve-racking experiences of my life. A stern warning from God not to have booze in car ever again as far as I'm concerned and something I don't intend on repeating.
Anyway the rest of the trip was good, if not quite as exciting, but I'm glad to be back. Boston in only three weeks and I couldn't be more fucking ready. Hopefully I'll be able to post a little more now that my hand is on the recovery. Until next time though.....