Title: Where the Road Ends (Chapter Thirty-Two)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 14k
Warnings: Language, adult themes, m/m intense situations.
Beta: (
adderlygirl) We’re reaching the end, girl, and I appreciate all of your help and guidance!
Spoilers: None
Author’s note:
This chapter will be in TWO ENTRIES, so please jump to the second.
Here we are: final chapter. Holy crap. First, I can guarantee that it is 62% plotless. Take that warning for what it’s worth ;) Second, there is a short epilogue that will follow on to this soon, which is the scene I had envisioned long ago on how this would end. Or, a better way to think of it, how the boys will continue on their journey ….
To my readers, I cannot thank you enough for still being here.
My master list of works (including Books 1 and 2 of this series) can be found here,
The Shiny Master List of Everything! The third book of this trilogy started here:
Chapter One, Where the Road Ends http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/106884.html