Title: Where the Road Ends (Chapter Twelve)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9.4 k
Warnings: Language, adult themes, m/m intense situations.
Beta: (
adderlygirl) As you can see, we’ve had a change of staff here in the writing room. I’m so grateful adderlygirl graciously offered to take over as Beta Alpha. I’ve been so lucky to find such talented writers around me who know how to poke around and offer support, reactions, and suggestions.
Spoilers: None
Author’s note:
I had to go back and check. June 8, 2010?! That was the day
asphaltcowgrrl took the reins of beta reader, and that woman has been at my side for every hair-pulling, head-desking moment since then. I won’t even count up how pages that would equate to, but well over a million words is not out of the ball park. How do you even begin to thank someone who’s done that much?
Well, I’ll try. What I appreciate above all is not necessarily the meticulous detail to help fix the work mechanically - though, yes, that’s crucial - but rather her gentle validation to be okay with choices, be a story teller for myself above all, and to accept that inventors don’t always have or need formulas, and that’s okay too. You have my deepest appreciation for the nearly six years you’ve been by my side for this trip. Many, many thanks .....*hugs*
My master list of works (including Books 1 and 2 of this series) can be found here,
The Shiny Master List of Everything! The third book of this trilogy started here:
Chapter One, Where the Road Ends Where the Road Ends
Chapter Twelve