Title: The Kin Gets Hitched - Chapter Six, Chuck vs. the Footed Olafs (Part Two)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9k
Warnings: Language, humor, fluff, er, plethora of smut
Beta: asphaltcowgrrl. She pulled me through another one .... We’re almost there, girl!
Spoilers: Up to season 3
Author’s note:
Whew. That’s all I can say. Best to read this where you can keep the lights low, I guess. ;)
Like part one, there’s no Pinterest board for this chapter, so you’ll have to use your imaginations .... *grins*. There will be one for the finale, up next.
The summary can be found here, at Chapter One.
http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/93205.html The Kin Gets Hitched (Chapter Six)
Chuck vs. The Footed Olafs (Part Two)