Title: The Kin Gets Hitched - Chapter Four, Chuck vs. The 314 at the Blackbird Inn
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12.6k
Warnings: Language, humor, fluff, this chapter m/m naughtiness/good dirty fun.
Beta: asphaltcowgrrl. Thanks for sliding on the smutboots for this one. J And especially, many, many thanks for hanging with me for another year, always being my rock of support.
Spoilers: Up to season 3
Author’s note:
This chapter will be in TWO ENTRIES, so you’ll want to jump to the next. (Or The Casey will not get unleashed ;) Thank you for being patient!
Since the boys in my on-going Wings series have been living under vows of celibacy for months now, I thought it was time to let them bring out their toys for the holiday, at least, and play around a little. Maybe end the year on a bang? *cough* (I may have been influenced by certain readers ;)
Somewhere around page 25, there is a bit of plot. You’ll have to squint to find it. Warnings apply.
The summary can be found here, at Chapter One.
http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/93205.html The Kin Gets Hitched (Chapter Four)
Chuck vs. The 314 at the Blackbird Inn