Title: Just This Once (Part Four) A Halloween Tale in Four Easy Bites
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: PG-17
Word Count: 8k
Warnings: Some language, some hot bits later. Yet more humor.
Beta: adderlygirl. Thank you for being a trooper through this process and laughing with me, not at me! You’ve been a great help! J
Spoilers: Some references to season two
Author’s note:
Asphaltcowgrrl, I hope you’ve enjoyed your gift and that Halloween is still your favorite holiday despite this. ;) Thank you for all you do throughout the year!
I’ve amped up the rating for this chapter (just to warn all of you ....)
The story started here:
http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/82641.html Just This Once
A Halloween Tale in Four Easy Bites
(Part Four)