On the Wings of Thieves and Dreams
Chapter Twenty-Three
Title: On the Wings of Thieves and Dreams (Chapter Twenty-Three)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10.7k
Warnings: Language, adult themes, m/m intense situations, violence.
Beta: asphaltcowgrrl. I think she’d like to take Casey out to the woodshed by now - and not in a good way ;) Thank you!
Spoilers: None
Author’s note:
This chapter crossed the size boundary, and is posted in TWO entries.
It struck me as I was finishing the edits that I just completed twenty-one chapters that had only two characters. God, what was I thinking? ;) Anyway, we finally get a few more in the mix. For those of you keeping score, there are two more chapters after this.
I’m sending a huge thank you to readers who have stuck around.
The story started here:
http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/47401.html Chapter Twenty-Three