On the Wings of Thieves and Dreams
Chapter Sixteen
Title: On the Wings of Thieves and Dreams (Chapter Sixteen)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9.5k
Warnings: Language, adult themes, m/m intense situations, violence.
Beta: asphaltcowgrrl. Thank you for listening to my cage match with Casey.
Spoilers: None
Author’s note:
For those of you who have stuck around for ten months (and there are no words of thanks strong enough), I think these next two chapters are what we can call payout. God, at least I hope so. ;) Sixteen and Seventeen should be one chapter, but the thought of editing a 56 page chapter scares the hell out of me.
So, on bent knee, I bring you Smut, part one. ;)
The story started here:
http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/47401.html Chapter Sixteen: