Title: Casey vs. the Way Back (Chapter Fifteen)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8.0 Chapter Fifteen
Warnings: Language, Violence, and yes, finally the start of Smut
Beta: asphaltcowgrrl. She gave me a vote of confidence on the decision to leave ‘the scene’ in. Thank you!
skyesurfer12@aol.comSpoilers: Up to Chuck vs. the Ring
Author’s note:
This chapter will be in two entries, so please follow the links or you’ll miss … well, some of the smut and actual plot. ;)
Thank you for your comments and overall greatness! Especially, thank you for hanging around for 15 chapters!
This chapter was not supposed to happen quite like this. You see, the plan was to briefly skim over ‘Chuck’s Set-up’ and move right to ‘Chuck’s Play’. That meant deleting a very large flashback scene. But in the end, with encouragement from my beta (who seemed to love that scene) I said to hell with it - it was too much fun to take out, and now we have ‘Chuck’s Play’ coming up after this chapter.
I hope it’s worth the wait. ;)
One last comment. I have no excuse for what is contained within. Nothing. ;)
As far as Way Back, chapter one starts here:
http://skyesurfer12.livejournal.com/20903.html -x-
Casey vs. the Way Back (Chapter Fifteen)