Title: Toxic Green (Part One)
Pairing/s: Chuck/Casey
Rating: R to eventually NC-17
Word count: 5100
Warnings/Content: Language, violence, attempted humor, smut
Beta: asphaltcowgrrl. Even after the ‘words by the pound’ trilogy, she was still eager to beta for me. Go figure. Thank you, once again.
Con-crit: Sure - skyesurfer12@aol.com
Spoilers: None
Author’s Note: At the finale of the Hope-Tides-Home arcs, there was reader consensus ;) to take one element a bit further, and it has morphed into the ‘evil!jealous!Casey’ series. The first, taking a look at raw jealously, will be in three parts. If you are not familiar with the AU story, I’ve provided a second Author’s note heading at my lj so that you join in the fun with that little bit of background. (At least I hope its fun :)
“’Boyfriend’,” Chuck scoffed. “Please don’t call him that. And, by the way - can I say just…wow. I never knew you were soooo-”
“Can it,” Casey ordered, cutting him off.
Toxic Green (Part One)