Title: The Art of Kissing John Casey: Part Five
Author: Lassroyale
Rating: NC-17
Warning: humor, season 2 up to episode 12, smut
Parings: Chuck/Casey
Disclaimer: If I owned these two they'd be doing way more than eye-sexing and the occasional kiss on the show. Waaaay more. Whew.
Word Count:5593
skyesurfer12 - everyone give her a hug for me - she's doing all the work here. ;) Thank you, my evil brain twin!
Summary: Chuck and Casey have a new mission: Infiltrate a cruise ship and make contact with a C.I.A. asset who has information regarding Fulcrum and the Intersect - as a couple. Chuck has a week to learn how to sell his cover as Casey's boyfriend. Along the way, the lines begin to blur and Chuck discovers that sometimes its harder to separate real life from spy life, especially when it comes to kissing John Casey.
A/N: I only offer profuse apologies for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys - I've been moving house and it's stressful and it's kept me busy. :(
A/N #2: So, that being said...would anyone be willing to make me a banner for this story? ::bats her eyelashes:: Pretty please with a chocolate covered Casey on top?
Previous Parts:
Part One Part TwoPart Three Part Four The Art of Kissing John Casey - Part Five
Chuck’s mind apparently wasn’t working properly, because all he could stare at was the interesting view Casey’s red shorts provided him from his lower vantage point.