Title: And My Fury Stands Ready
Author: Lassroyale
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Angst, dub-con, violence
Parings: Casey/Chuck, Casey/OMC(one-sided), dark!Casey
Disclaimer: None of the pretties from Chuck belong to me. I just enjoy putting them in compromising positions.
Summary: Sometimes Casey can't control the darkness that rises within him. Sometimes he can't curb his anger and swallow it down. Sometimes Casey just has to let it flow through his veins - especially on that day, the anniversary of one of the worst days in his life.
A/N: This fic was inspired by a
trovia's who has taken to exploring Casey's past. I've been wanting to write a darker sort of fic for Chuck which is generally my default mode anyway. My idea is about coaxing out that darkness we see lurking behind his eyes and making things uneven in the Chuck/Casey relationship.
And My Fury Stands Ready
Casey's muscles bunch, roll, and convulse, movement plucked on marionette strings manipulated on fingers of electricity.