Title: My Name Ain’t Inigo Montoya
Characters: Casey, Ellie, Ilsa Trinchina
Pairing: References to Casey/m and Casey/Ilsa; I’m working towards Casey/Chuck, though Chuck isn’t part of this story. That said, this is gen. Or preslash, I think it's called.
Wordcount: ~ 3900 words
Disclaimer: Chuck ain’t mine. The movies I reference aren’t mine, either. If you think you recognize a line, it’s probably taken either from “Casino Royale,” “The Big Lebowski” or “The Princess Bride.”
Rating: adult for violence and discussion of torture
Spoilers: Set after 3x10 (Chuck Versus The Tic Tac) as well as
“Funkspiel”, which had taken place after 3x08 (Chuck Versus The Fake Name). Spoilers for all these.
Beta: Thank you,
millari, for doing a great job in painstaking detail.
Summary: After the Tic Tac incident, Casey is putting all of his energy and focus into the task of getting plastered when he’s interrupted by Ellie Bartowski, who’s had just about enough of her neighbor’s peculiarities.
Author’s Notes: This is the second part of what I hope to become a series.
The first part is here: “Funkspiel”. One could also count
this Casey drabble.
"My Name Ain't Inigo Montoya"