Title: The Deal With Chuck and John
Author: Fia Reynne
Fandom: Chuck
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bedbugs-verse. Morgan puts two and two together with a little help from Lester's dirty mind.
Disclaimer: If I owned it, I'd never leave the Buy More empty-handed.
Notes: I wrote this ages ago, and thought I'd posted it. Apparently I had not. If, when reading this, you go, "You dolt, I've read this before!" please feel free to smack me in the head with something (lightly so as not to concuss.) Unless you're
secondalto, because I know you've read it. Obviously, Rock Out is to Rock Band what Guitar Shredder is to Guitar Hero. I had said earlier it was my own creation, but upon further investigation, it was actually
paper_tzipporah who suggested it.
What could John and Chuck possibly be doing in the middle of the night? )