We haven't had too many posts here recently. I thought it might be time for a round up of some Chuck fics that haven't been posted here yet. Thanks to
sga_newsletter for providing much of this. Feel free to pimp anything I've missed here at the comm!
Missing Actor On Intergalactic Secret Mission -
inkscribe - Chuck - gen - G
Stunned -
kisahawklin - Chuck, Lorne - gen/pre-slash *g* - PG-13
Payback -
missyvortexdv - Chuck - gen - T
Poetry in Motion -
toft_froggy - Rodney/John/Teyla/Ronon/Lorne/Chuck/Zelenka/Biro/Simpson/Carter/Keller/Cadman \0/ - NC-17
Hurt -
fififolle - Chuck/Kavanagh - slash - PG
Not To My Tastes -
missyvortexdv - Kavanagh, Chuck - gen - PG-13
Gaijin -
sam_gamgee - includes McKay/Chuck/Lorne - slash - NC-17
Silent Intruders -
penguin13tcj - Beckett/McKay, Chuck/Lorne/Zelenka - slash - PG
Fantasy and Reality -
sylum_tru - Chuck/Lorne - slash - FRM (16)
Crossovers -
All and Sundry -
fififolle - slash - Primeval/SGA crossover - Lester/Connor/Chuck/Lorne - 18