Dec 06, 2009 23:59
So it's apparently the season for dudes to slaughter their families on my block. Last weekend was the dude down the block who shot his baby mama and little kids in the face. This weekend is the big manhunt for the dude a block or two over who killed his baby mama, their two year old, his other baby mama and their other two year old. Classy.
So we're selling the house, asap. Spring, hopefully. I wish I could stay but between the forensics van overstaying its welcome last weekend and the cops with dogs flashing lights at the wife as she pulled into the driveway tonight, I can no longer deny that Madison is a shitty town.
So to sell the house, I need to put a new floor covering down in the basement so it can be listed as finished space. (The carpet that was there when I bought it had to come out because of horrid cat stank.) I'm trying to decide between laminate and cheapish carpet. Thoughts?
In order to move everything out of the basement and put a whatever down, I need to move everything out of the area that's not floored. Time wise, this is mostly my beer stuff. So I've spent the weekend bottling/kegging/cleaning. (Mostly cleaning.) The results!
Nanobrews: (~1.5L test batches)
The Good!
- Lymes (keffir lime leaves, lime juice and lime zest, in a dry mead)
The potable.
- Mango Chutney (dry mead)
- Oak Cherry Stout
- Lychees on my Peaches! (sweat mead) (not a typo)
- Christmas Ceer (Mulled Cyser)
Less good than I really hoped for and that's saying something:
- Project Rosebud (green tea and green pea sweet mead) (more fun to say than to drink)
Oops, I poisoned the wife (and myself):
- Black Currant Sherry
Booze shouldn't clot up like that:
- Guava Sherry
- Pear Sherry
- Banana Sherry
- Pumpkin Mead
(I think my sherry yeast sucked.)
Normal sized microbrews (3-5G)
The Good!
- Mead (plain old mead)
- Lefse (Leffe clone with a yeast mixup)
The surprisingly not immediately fatal!
- Prison Wine
Oops, I poisoned the wife again! Crap! She's going to be mad this time. :(
- Organic Cider (glark)
Still on the table and in need of dealing with:
- Old Brown Sour
- Mead (downsized)
- Cyser
- La Brea Tar Stout