Aug 21, 2004 15:00
lunch with Grandpa Chuck was nice. Although the circumstances aren't the best (he's up visiting his sis because she broke a hip on Vashon Island). Besides that, it's great getting the scoop on my dad from a fatherly point of view. He's such a good story teller, I know I've mentioned that before. And when he puts in his 2 cents worth it's short and concise and it drives the point home. Plus the salmon and wine were nice. Can ya tell I've had a lot of wine?? well, it's off to a bbq farewell party. My good friend Bob's gf is heading off to China for who knows how long.. And I'm looking forward to hanging out with him more; assuming I have time considering work / exams / friends / dating... pfft, I know I'm not the only one in the world trying to balance this shit, but I'm a worrywort.
And I'm off.