I really, really like Seth. he makes me laugh so much. I can't stop smiling when I'm around him. and when he sings it's so cute lmao. I'll get out of a bad day, and he'll hop into my bus seat and like. snuggle up to me. and we'll just talk. I used to think he just sat with me because there was no room anywhere else but he'd sit with me even when only a few people were on the bus. I love that.
he said I had pretty eyes. I was like *squeee* and that something reminded him of me, and that I made him feel good about himself, and he was sticking cardboard down my shirt. lmao. and when he was making fun of someone for being rude and always saying what she was thinking, I told him he did the exact same thing (aka was often times a huge asshole) and he blurts out "I LOVE YOU" and just sort of stares at me. This part made me pretty sad. why?
Thing is seth likes the hot girls and can easily get one. I feel like he's fucking with me.
oh well. :x can't wait to see him on monday? XD
I'm such a loser..fear my nerdyness. I haven't had a school crush since 6th grade. wtf. I'm exhausted, so this is probably missing lots of capitalizations/punctuations/proper insertions, etc. whatever.
Ashley, especially, probably thinks I'm an idiot since she knows his assery first hand. bleh T_T nothing will happen anyways I suppose..
note: the music video to this song's really depressing ._. but I love it. and the song's just great.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZvXqsLQPaKA watch now.