the holidays here are celebrated by having the 23rd off to celebrate the Emperor's birthday. if i weren't working on Saturdays, i would have gotten a 3 day weekend, but i'm working on Christmas Eve so oh well... :/ the 22nd is my daycare's "end of the year" party. it's also going to be a farewell party for one of the staff members. she's been with them for a really long time and is taking leave right now, because she's having her second baby in April. dunno when she'll be coming back, but i didn't even know she was pregnant until a couple of days ago ^_^;; the things aprons can hide... with that in mind, i give her major kudos for all the work she's been doing while going through her second trimester! :D
since we are a daycare, we don't get extra long holidays like Kay's preschool (of which she's already on her Winter break). we follow along with official holidays, so i don't start my winter break until the 29th. it'll last until the 4th, and then it's back to work for me on the 5th. so, that gives me a full 7 days to rest up and get myself together. hopefully, i'll use that time wisely and not waste it sleeping in or what not... hopefully ^_^;;
so, what am i going to be doing to ring in the new year? well for one thing, i'm going to be helping my hubs pack for his business trip back to Taipei, making a list of things for him to bring back, and probably squeeze in some last minute cleaning before the new year comes (fortunately, we've only lived in this apt for 3.5 months... ^_^). hubs is going back to Taipei for about 5-6 weeks in order to sort things out with our translating agency which is still running over there. he has tax related business to do, try to recruit and train some new employees, and other trivial things to sort through, like figuring out what else needs to be mailed over to our home here in Japan. :/ he still has to take care of his own translating cases through all of that stuff, so he's got a lot on his plate.
meanwhile, i'll be living the life of a single mother here in Japan while he's gone. i wasn't worried as much before since our life here is pretty smooth, and we all have our own little routine we stick to every day, but a recent bout of PMS has gotten my head stuck the wrong way, so i started to get emotional and think irrationally. ~_~;; after a good cry and a heart to heart with hubs, i felt a lot better and remembered that everything happens for a reason no matter if it's good or bad. so, i'm just not going to think too much into anything. :) besides with the work schedule that i have now, time will fly by soooo fast ^_^;;
but, will i be okay on my own? safety-wise, i think so. even if we live on the first floor, our apt building just recently put up newer and higher fences around our yard along with bars on some windows that didn't have any before. hubs and i think this has divine intervention written all over it, because theft was our main worry ever since hubs got the know how of the safety of our neighborhood from our next door neighbor who runs a little shop that got burglarized TWICE. so now that the only way into our apt is through our door, this makes things a bit easier to deal with :)
as far as taking care of Kay goes, we haven't officially decided it yet, but i think we're going to pull her out of preschool and keep her at my daycare. hubs is usually my back-up if anything happens (sudden early pick-up, translation of notes, dealing with paperwork/tuition, etc.), so i feel better having Kay beside me at all times since i'll be without a back-up for over a month if you know what i mean. :/
Kay has been to the daycare for three days and tomorrow will be her forth. our first problem was actually walking there. she couldn't make the 30 min trek back and forth, so we opted to take the bus both ways, which made things a bit easier. the second problem occurred today in the form of her usual tantrum of not wanting to go home. ~_~;; tomorrow, i'm gonna try my usual reward system and see if that will help; the reward being something from the vending machine at the bus terminal we take the bus from.
*crosses finger* hope it works ^_^;;
oh, i almost forgot! we spent last Sunday at the
Marinoa City mall on an early Christmas family day. ^_^ since the 25th is on a Sunday this year, we didn't want to be among the tons of people that would probably be out next week celebrating Christmas, so we went on the 18th instead :D we all got our Christmas shopping done which including all three of us getting new clothes and shoes ^_^ i got two pairs because they were only 525 yen a pair!! talk about a steal!! XD one of them is a pair of 5 in. black pumps that i'll probably only wear twice a year, but i didn't care with that price! XD i was buying it no matter what!! lol ^_^
here are the pics of that day, so enjoy!