this mother's day was a bit spontaneous because i didn't know what i wanted to do until the night before. i knew i wanted to get myself a nice big serving of
Apple a la Cold Stone, so i decided to have a girl's day out with Kay at Miramar Mall in Neihu since i knew they had a Cold Stone in their food court. a lot of pleasant surprises happened that day because of that. first surprise was having lunch at a new Royal Host that had opened there. i had the garlic grilled chicken while Kay got to have a kids spaghetti a
US space shuttle! i think i was more excited about than she was :P
afterward, i took her to the little slide in the mall where all the kids play. i got a surprise call from my aunt, who is currently visiting from the States, saying that she wanted to come and meet up with me at the mall. basically, my cousin Niki had come along this time and she was dying to meet Kay :D so, Kay and i pretty much spent the rest of the day with them.
after getting all my paperwork done for taxes, i finally filed them on Monday and went over to where my aunt was staying to give my cousin Niki some shoes that i couldn't wear anymore. it was kinda bitter sweet to let my shoes go, but they're going to be on good feet that will wear them instead of sitting in my closet collecting dust and possibly growing mold :/ besides, 5 in. heels and platforms are more suited for my cousin's age anyway. after all, i did buy them in my 20-somethings, so they're not suitable for the mommy me :P for now, i'll stick to ballet flats, sneakers and maybe kitten heels. ~_~;
after another poke from hubby to try to get myself back into working again, we just decided for me to do something that i'm used to: teaching English. there aren't any available teaching jobs out there where your kid can tag along with you, so we decided to just stick to tutoring. after a playgroup friend of mine got me into, i realized that it's a great way to advertise myself. so, the old teaching gears in my head started turning again and gave birth to "Family English" which is just a title for me and Kay teaching other toddlers and their moms English. so far, there have been a few moms interested in it and have been constantly asking questions about it. i just spent the entire afternoon answering emails and inquiries, but mind you, these are just inquiries. so far, non of those moms have stated that they want to hire me yet. :/ we'll see.
EDIT: just got asked to do a demo next Wed or Thurs! i'm kinda nervous, but the mom wrote to me all in English, so i think it should be ok... :D *fingers crossed*