Thought I'd rec a few more fics that I have found that others may not have - just spreading the love.
Title: Too Sexy For My Shirt
Author: serotonin_storm
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Warnings: incest
Summary: Dean's got a little problem that just keeps getting bigger.
Link: and
Title: Satiate: A Fairy Tale
Author: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Once upon a time, there were two boys who were desperately in love. They consumed one another until there was nothing left.
Link: and
Title: A Surfeit of Tarts
Author: Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Food
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: RPS, chubbycakes!Jensen
Summary: Jared schemes and keeps a recipe journal. Jensen begrudgingly eats the flan.
Link: and the sequel
Title: Cold Turkey Sandwiches
Author: Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Cranberry sauce
Rating: R
Notes: This also lives in the same universe as A Surfeit of Tarts.
Summary: Post-Thanksgiving J2 fluff wherein Jared is a holiday gourmet and Jensen likes cranberry sauce from a can.
Link: Happy reading :)