Request Anything Fic/Art Meme!

Jan 11, 2013 11:57

This meme is a free-for-all.
Request whatever you like: any pairings, any characters, any scenarios, art, video, fiction, anything! Recycling old prompts is also allowed.

The Basics

- Numerous fills on the same prompt is allowed

- Fiction pieces can be any length you choose

- Please try to keep your prompt/fill relatable to the kinks of this community. Other kinks are definitely allowed, but try to keep the main theme on target

- Warn for specific kinks & rating, episode spoilers, etc

- Please keep your prompt to a paragraph at most.

Please use the following formate when posting a prompt:
Request: Sam/Dean, chubby!Dean
Dean starts gaining weight because during a hunt he broke his leg.

- When filling a prompt please reply to the prompt with either: the fill itself or a link to where the fill can be found (at your journal, AO3, etc)

- When posting your fill make sure to include Title, Characters/Pairing, Warnings, Rating

- Be respectful, encouraging, and thankful for filled entries

- Anonymous commenting is on, please do not abuse it

Requesting will run through February 9th but filling prompts, as always, will run indefinitely

Have fun! ♥

Filled Prompts
Yuletide Pleasures | Sam/Dean; chubby!Dean; underage, feeding, AU; NC-17
Back Fat | Sam/Dean; chubby!Dean
Busted | Dean/Cas; chubby!Cas; button-popping, weighing & measuring, humiliation; PG-13
Just Another Starving Model | gen; chubby!Sam; WIP
Post-Hunting Weight | Sam/Dean; chubby!Sam; PG-13
Sweet Tooth | Sam/Cas; chubby!Cas; PG
Candyland | gen; chubby!Dean
Sugar Sweet | gen; chubby!Dean; PG-13
And Baby Makes Three | Smith/Wesson, AU, Mpreg, R
Untitled Art Fill | chubby!Jensen, button-popping
Sunday Morning Serenade | Sam/Dean, chubby!Dean, domestic!fic with a side of schmoop, PG

Prompting is now closed, thank you! Continue to fill prompts as you wish.


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