Day off tomorrow? wow, i dunno what to do with myself!

Jan 24, 2006 00:18

My company has not just made us corporate slaves but they are also trying to convert all of us into either vegetarians or loose a couple of stones so everyone will fit into one size of the uniform. That is my theory at least. The staff meal (free by the way) is getting crappier to the point that when i go down for my lunch/dinner break, I am full from just looking at it. So much for trying to save money for a meal everyday. For example, on sunday, we had 5 pots, 2 pots consist of pastas that had no sauce and 5 canned mushrooms on top. The other free or either canned beans or FRIES, not chips. I just wanted to bring it upstairs, throw it at the chef (they never come down to eat, i wonder why) and say (as my old director of HSP with her russian aKCent) "Wed eat nike theesse, wed cleaned nike thesse, SHIT" of all the words she had the last one bang on with the english accent. If only.. I heard a rumour going around that they are doing a new staff meal in feb.. my guess is that instead of having bologneses with pasta everyday, it would be every other day. What a great menu. Food is life to me and it makes me so cranky when i have to eat shitty food. So i've decided to be a vegan at work. Yay lisa!

I went grocery shoppin once since i came back... Thai mama has been supplying my daily "good" meal of the day.
I had also found a cheap cafe that closes at 12:00 today, so i got myself a roll of bread and a vegan thingy for just 2.60. Cheapest meal ever yet!

Count down is still 7 weeks, 6 if i don't incl. this one.. wuuhu!
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